7 | The plate

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TW: panic attack, abuse, yelling


The absolute worst part about going to sleep early is waking up at like 5 am feeling like you could rule the world. The nightmares used to wear me out so bad that I slept until noon. And it's so stupid to miss them. Don't get me wrong...I love the nights without nightmares but they scare me also. Because if they miss one night they will attack double the next.
They always do.

My brothers have been acting weird ever since they came back. Even Caleb, who was in a good mood before I went to sleep, has been acting like a war is held right outside our window. Chris doesn't look at me, Alex is quiet, Dylan gives me half-authentic smiles and Elijah is fuming. Eli breaks different things so often that I get scared whenever a glass isn't being shattered. What if something happened to him?

Every time I try to ask or even look like I want to ask Alex shoots me down with a warning glare. Everything is different. It's almost like I went to bed, skipped a year and then woke up. And I hate that feeling. So when I saw Alex and Dylan leave the house I decided to go ask Chris what is going on. He tried to ignore me at first. But I guess Elijah's and Caleb's looks forced him to talk. They were there watching a film which they of course paused to see what was happening.

"Chris I'm begging you, you're all acting like some people I have never met before" I begged him again. "I thought Alex told you not to ask questions" he says annoyed. "Too bad he ain't here Chris! When you guys called us on the phone you were cheerful and energetic and now you're like emotionless robots...do you know how scary that is? How it feels to see you like this?" I tried to keep my cool. "Shut up." He raises his voice. "Do you know what it feels like?" I raise my voice too.

"I killed my best mate for you Kie! My fucking best friend. Does any sick part in you get what that felt like?!" He screams at me.

My heart drops. But with my consciousness shutting down my anger and subconsciousness take over. "I didn't ask you to!" I yelled back at him now unable to control my own body.

"But I did it ok! Because I love my sister. I KILLED SOMEBODY FOR YOU KIARA, THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS BE THANKFUL" he yells so loud now. I feel every part of my body start shutting down. I can hear his words but they don't feel real anymore.

Elijah and Caleb do their best to calm Chris down but it isn't working. "I didn't ask you to!" I yell back feeling the tears force their way into my eyes. "BUT I DID!" he screams and the next thing I see is a plate flying my way and shattering in my face.

It hurt. Everything hurt. I don't know how I didn't have any glass shards in my eyes. And for the first time ever I was scared of Chris. He grabbed a vase probably to throw that at me too but I ran. I have never run so fast. I locked the door behind me and fell to the floor. I was shaking and my brain couldn't form words. I have never before had a panic attack even close to this one.


Elijah and I were looking at each other nonverbally asking what to do. Chris was losing it and Kiara went with him. And then he said it. He told her what had happened. I saw her face drop. Like her mind switched off but then it switched back on except this time it didn't look like Kie at all. She sounded like Kie and she talked like Kie but that was Athena talking. Or yelling. It only got louder.

We tried to act civil at first. We tried to calmly calm them down but the second Chris grabbed that plate, calm was out the window. We jumped up and rushed towards him but neither of us could stop him from throwing it.

The plate shattered in Kiara's face and she was bleeding. Chris went ahead to grab a vase but we jumped him and I took it from him. And when we looked back Kie was gone. I put the vase down and followed Elijah who rushed upstairs after our sister.

I heard the door slam shut and lock before we reached it. Elijah banged against it begging her to open it but she didn't. We could hear her crying and hyperventilating. Everybody knows what a panic attack looks and sounds like.

I left Elijah there and called Alex. "Yes?" He answered the phone. "You need to come home right now!" I say urgently. "Why? What happened?" he asked confused but worried. "Chris threw a plate at Kiara and she locked herself in her room!" I said trying to keep it short.

"What?!" I heard Dylan in the background. "Wait, Chris threw a plate at Kiara?" Alex repeated me. "Yes that's what I just said" I said losing my cool. "Is she hurt?" Dylan asked. "I don't know how badly but the plate shattered in her face and I think I saw blood before she ran away" I explain. "Thankfully Elijah and I were there to stop him from throwing the vase" I say more to myself. "What the fuck happened there?" Alex asks angry.

"Kiara asked what had happened and why we were all acting weird and Chris got angry. He yelled at her and then well you know" I explained. "We are 4 minutes away, try to get Kiara's door open and make sure Chris doesn't leave the house" Alex ordered. "Kie won't open the door, she's having a panic attack" I now remember to mention.

"Shit" he mumbles. "We'll be right there, go make sure Chris doesn't leave" he then says. We hang up.

I went back downstairs to find Chris. He was there sitting at the table. His head was in his hands but he didn't seem upset. More like trying to calm himself down. "Don't even think about lecturing me" he tells me not looking up. "You threw a plate at her" I say still a bit in shock as well. He doesn't say anything and at that point the front door flies open.

Dylan glares at me to follow them as Alex hurries upstairs without even giving Chris a look. I follow them.

Elijah is sitting against the door just listening. Alex gives him a sad look. He knocks on the door. "Kiara, you need to open this door tesoro" he says calmly. She is whispering something. "Kie, he's not mad at you. We are worried" Elijah says as he probably heard her. "Sorellina you're bleeding" Alex says.

The lock clicks.


I'm putting these kids through so much shit I almost feel bad. Who's next? Dylan, Alex, Elijah? Who do we cause pain next?

I feel like a villain.


Love you!

Stay hydrated and safe

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