11 | Luke

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TW: feelings of hopelessness


There's this boy. He's pretty and he told me I'm pretty. Damn.

"How did you get in here? I have bodyguards outside" I ask now realizing something I should've thought of before. "My brother's your doctor and I know your brothers" he says.

He seems so confident. Like nothing in this world could bring down his ego. Like somebody that hasn't had to wonder if they wake up the next day or make it through the day.


It looked so real on him. Though I know hope isn't good. It only kills.

"How old are you?" I ask, since that answer tells me which one of them demons he knows.

"17" he replies. Fuck. It's either Caleb or Elijah but which one?

"And which one of my brothers do you know?" I give in. "I have met all of them but I consider Elijah and Caleb my friends" he says smirking.

So I was right. Age really matters after all. Hm. Wait. Why has he met all of them?

"You're pretty when you're vulnerable but a part of me doesn't like seeing you sick" he says. "I'm sorry?" I say or more like ask. "It's alright"
Damn this guy.

"You're related to Torres?" it just now hits me. "I know, you'd think somebody as beautiful and handsome as me couldn't possibly be related to somebody as nerdy as him. But it is true. He is my older brother." Luke tells me.

"How do you know who I am?" I ask then. He seems to think for a moment. Considering his options. Until he finally finds the right words. "Elijah never shuts up about you, Hans seems to focus his work on you and the media talks".
I wasn't expecting that answer at all. Elijah sure talks, but the other stuff?
Why would his brother focus his work on me? What does the media say?

I think I only now realized that I really don't know anything. I've been shut out from the news. Alex is keeping me from what's happening. He wouldn't let me go to school. One of my brothers is always home with me. But why? I need to ask him why.

"Listen pretty lady, my brother wants to check on you so I need to go but I really don't want to so how about you beg for him to let me stay ay?" he says smirking again. He really thinks he has it all wrapped around his pinky.

"I don't even know who you are?" I say. It sounds so absurd. That he wants to stay here with me.

"I'm Luke, I'm 17. I like guns and I find it hard to shut up. I am a little autistic according to everybody that have ever met me and my dick is 7 inches" he rambles. I try to take in all of the newfound information but how do you possibly?

"Also I know your biggest secret" he says. "What secret?" I say feeling a bit alarmed. "I don't but the reaction you had tells me that it is well worth finding out" he says. Damn you're an idiot Kiara.

"Luke, stop bothering her" Torres' voice sounds. "I'm not bothering her. Tell him K" he says looking at me. I shrug. He seems to know what he wants from everybody. I want his confidence.

Very much to his disappointment Torres throws him out and locks the door behind him. "I'm sorry if he annoyed you" he then says to me. "He didn't" I assure him. "Kiara, what did you do? Why would you mix these substances together?" he asks now looking serious.

"They felt good" I answer. "I know from experience that Vodka doesn't taste good" he says. "The weed helps with that" I tell him. I know I'm saying too much but he asks too much. "Alex is worried about you. He wants me to find out what's really going on" Torres tries to ( I think) convince me to talk. "I'm fine" I say. He doesn't believe me one bit. Instead he takes my wrists and holds it up for me to see. The slashes are manic.

How the fuck did they not kill me?

"You call this fine? Kiara look at your arm." He guides me. "So? A few scratches never killed anyone" I defend myself. "I bet you wish they did" Torres says numbly. "What are you on about?" I feel angry. So very angry.

"The last time I saw you, you told me that if you can't slit your wrists on purpose then how could you do it accidentally" he starts. "And now boom suddenly there they are. And usually I would tell a patient how they survived but I can't tell you" he finishes. "Why? I'm a patient" I ask a bit loudly for my liking.

"Because the next time you wouldn't make it" his words cut. And I liked it.

"And you know it" he adds on. "You will die from blood loss and your brothers will find you smiling." he seems so upset. "Now please tell me why on earth are you so determined to kill yourself?" he almost yells. He reminds me of Alex.

Alex yells when things get emotional. And only then. When he is angry he's spiteful.

"Because it's the only thing in my whole life that I ever failed. And I can't fucking fail" I say. I can be spiteful too. "If I gave you a scalpel and left for 5 minutes, would I find you bleeding out?" he the asked. And again it sounded weird. Nobody ever asks anything like that. "I don't know" I say. "Yes or no Kiara" he says seemingly running out of patience.

"Probably" I say.

His face dropped. He had hoped for the very last second. He prayed that I wasn't gone but I think I was. Because when you wake up after an attempt and feel angry at the world for living, you're fucked. I'm fucked. And I knew it but to him it was news. Ones that he didn't like at all. Ones that would spread like a rumor in high school. Ones that Alex will hear about. Ones that will drive Luke away even though I have known him for like 5 minutes.

These are news that kill. If not me then my brothers. Because somebody has to die. Somebody always has to die.


Next chapter will probably destroy you. I'm so sorry.

Anyway. Stay safe and take care of yourselves.

I love you even if you feel like nobody else does. XO


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