18 | Ill

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TW: screaming


I called Kiara and Alex in. Kie looked unsure but she wanted to see Luke. God I wish I could tell her.


"Luke has cancer??" I exclaim. "Yeah I do" he groans. "You can't tell Kiara though" he adds. His once happy and excited voice now tired and emotionless. "She needs to know bro" I tell him. But he cuts me off. "I'm not doing chemo".

"I'm not doing the treatment" he rephrases it. "Why the fuck not?" I raise my voice. "Because it's pointless wasting all that money when I might die anyway" he explains.

I must say that is the biggest bullshit I have ever heard.

"You're just letting yourself die?" I ask. He doesn't want to nod because it sounds bad. "You're letting her love you knowing that you will die soon?" I ask. Now calm. "She doesn't love me" he laughs.

"Then why the fuck is she outside that door crying her eyes out because she thinks you're dying. Why did she ask me if the reason why you collapsed was that she was so heavy it weighed you down?" I want to yell but I don't. I just talk calmly.

"She said that?" he asks. His eyes flash hurt. I nod. "If she finds out I'm letting myself die, it will break her Elijah" he then says. "If she finds out you died of cancer which you never told her you have, she will fall off the deep end and not recover from it" I tell him. "Telling her now might break her but her finding out later will kill her" I finish.

"Elijah's right Luke. If you care about that girl you need to tell her" Hans steps in. "I can't watch her break" he says rubbing his eyes. "I can't watch her die" I say. To that Luke looks at me. "Fine" he says


There's silence in the room. Alex rubs circles on Kiara's back as she stares at Luke. Her face is puffy and red from crying. "Are you okay?" she asks quietly. "I'm alright. You don't look okay though. Come here" Luke says. She walks over to him and he pulls her to sit next to him.

"So what's wrong?" Alex asks. Hans and I look at Luke. "Nothing" he replies looking at Kiara. "Don't lie to the mafia boss" I say sternly. He is not getting away from telling Kie. "I'm not, everything's fine" he says holding Kiara's hand.

"If he says he's fine then he is fine" she says. "Were you?" I snap at her. "Was I? Three years ago?" I ask her not caring that Alex stood there and watched. I love Kie with all my heart which is why I'm not letting them lie to her.

"I'm fine though" Luke says. "Because having cancer is fine" I raise my voice. Kiara's eyes darken. That's also when Caleb and Chris decide to walk in hearing everything.

Luke is looking down and Dylan is saying something to Torres. "Oh and not treating it is even more fine?" I ask him. Alex pats my shoulder. "Calm down" he says quietly yet sternly.

"What?" Kie whispers.


Chris and I were told to go out and get some medicine for Lukey. It didn't take us very long but when we came back the house seemed empty. We didn't think anything of it and just walked into the hospital room.

"Because having cancer is fine" Elijah exclaims as we open the door. "Oh and not treating it is even more fine" he says now almost yelling. I didn't know Luke had cancer... and he's not treating it? What the actual fuck? I look at Kiara beside him and she looks horrible. Not ugly or something just exhausted and puffy and broken.

Alex says something to Elijah. "What?" Kie whispers making all eyes look at her instead of Luke. "Listen I can explain-" Luke tries but she cuts him off. "You're not treating it?" she asks letting go of his hand. Oh shit.

"No let me get this straight. You have cancer which you never cared to mention AND you're not trying to fight it? You're just dying right in front of me" she says. "Well yes but-"
She jumps up making herself dizzy for a second but recovering pretty fast.

"Where are you going?" Luke asks. "I'm not standing here and watching you die. I can't do that" she says storming out but Chris stops her. "You can't just leave" he says. "Fucking watch me"

"Language" Alex warns. "So that's it?" Luke asks. Tears were running down her face as she looked back at Luke. "I can't watch you die" she says. "And you wonder why I didn't tell you. You leave when things get hard" he says bitterly. "You made me love you knowing that it would never last" she says sounding so spiteful. "I didn't know you loved me like I love you" Luke says.

"But go ahead. Leave. Run away Kiara, like you always do" he raises his voice. "I never ran" she whispers. "Oh really?" Luke starts.

"You might've been too busy to notice me but I've been watching you for years. Because you were Elijah's and Caleb's sister and you meant the world to them" he continues. "When your parents died, you hid away. I didn't see you at their funeral"

"When Chrissy Evans died in front of your eyes you ran. You saw her dying and you did nothing" his words are visibly hurting Kie. "And now I'm here in front of you in a state that you don't like, watching you preparing to flee" he adds. "And I'm telling you that I love you. Why can't you handle that? Why can't you accept that there are people that care about you?!" he yells.

Chrissy Evans overdosed on heroine last year and Kiara was the one to find her. As for her not handling affection...I'll have to figure it out.

Kie doesn't answer. No. She just turns around and runs. Chris doesn't stop her. Luke groans as he brings his knuckles to his face. "If you want to kill me for hurting your sister go ahead" he says mostly to Alex.

"Elijah go after her. Caleb join him" Alex orders. So we go. Luke doesn't say a word.

We reach her bedroom and it's locked. No surprise. "Kie?" I shout. "Kiara please let us in" Elijah talks.

But she doesn't. All we can hear is things breaking and her unstable sobs. I close my eyes trying to contemplate what just happened. At some point the noise stops. I guess there were no more things to throw around. Now it was just her crying again. Over something that she couldn't change nor caused.

So to that reader that commented last chapter about Luke having cancer I'm sorry. But he was actually supposed to die and he's alive so be grateful 😌

Love you. And I'm so sorry for this chapter.

Drink water because it's good and eat something. Maybe fruits. They are good.

Enjoy the rest of your whatever


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