The Eclipse ⚫

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Chapter 3

The Eclipse

At 6:35, he was waiting for her. She appeared at 6:40 as promised.

As soon as she entered, he couldn't help but be amazed by her stunning beauty. She was radiant in a sparkly hoar dress, shining brightly amongst the darkness that enveloped the others around them.

"Moon!" He exclaimed, walking towards her to close the unbearable distance.

"Sun, as promised, here I am. You always look splendid." She said as she approached him.

"I've become your shadow, Moon. Everyone is captivated by your beauty." With a swift move, he brought himself even closer.

"But I only have eyes for you." She replied, moving even closer, enveloped in his warmth, gently caressing his face, especially his red lips. He tilted his head for her. She didn't hesitate to kiss those fiery lips and felt an overwhelming power as he devoured her cold, pink lips in return.

With ethereal music playing in their minds, they danced together on the Milky Way.

A big applause interrupted their dance, making them reluctantly part. The Moon blushed, and the Sun loved her shy nature.

"It's time to go!" The Moon said urgently as she started to leave.

"I know, it's always an immense pleasure to see you, my Moon!" The Sun replied as her cold hand slipped away from his warm one.

"Until our next encounter, My Sun!" The Moon said and departed away.

The Eclipse came to an end in the sky. It was a unique event to have Valentine's Day coincide with a solar eclipse.

"Lucky for us, we're not the real Moon and Sun," she said as they gazed at their separation in the sky above. She rested her body against his chest, his arms wrapping around her, providing warmth and infinite love.

"Yes, but for a long time, we lived like them, my love. I missed you terribly." He said, breathing in her scent from her neck and kissing that special spot that made her tremble.

"What would you say if we may have visitors from Mars or Venus, or even both?" She asked, struggling to not giggle, while he continued to give featherlight kisses down her neck. When he heard what she said, he stopped his actions.

"You're joking, right?" he said, making her turn around to face him.

"Nope, I'm one month pregnant." She said shyly, feeling a bit worried about his response.

He stood in silence. She feared that he didn't like the news. She still had one more year to complete her medical studies as she was currently interning at the ER. He didn't want her to give up on her studies because she was a brilliant student and would become a great doctor, even better than him in the future. Not receiving any response from him, she slowly moved her hands away from him, bowing her head, and tears started to fall down her cheeks. It wasn't planned, and it was a surprise for her too. Just as she was about to walk away feeling broken and shattered, he reached out and held her belly, spinning her around and embracing her with incredible strength yet gentle tenderness, placing every shattered piece back in its proper place. She felt his tears leaving damp trails on her neck, and her tears fell too, but this time, they were tears of happiness.

He kissed every inch of her face, wiping away her tears, making her giggle, and then they held each other's faces as they spoke.

"My little Moon will be a mom soon!" His voice came out barely audibly, his tears being collected by her thumb.

"My big Sun will be a dad soon too!" She replied, smiling at him.

Their lips met in the gentlest, softest of kisses, as if her entire being was made of crystal in a matter of seconds. His heart raced with immense joy upon hearing this news. He had longed to be a father ever since he cradled his first baby in his arms during his first shift as a medical professional. But he couldn't find the perfect partner until that fateful day; unfortunate for the world, but not for them.

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