Expanding Universe

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Chapter 4

Expanding Universe.

Exchanging papyrus-card love became a beautiful habit, not just in the time of struggling to be with each other.

The first visitor came from Venus, a beautiful little girl who looked like a mix between them. The Sun fell in love with her since she first kicked Moon's womb.

The second visitors were two troublemakers from Mars, but every time they hear the Sun's voice, they come in line like the planets.

He walked inside the home, feeling the warmth that only family can give. It was time for the kids to be in bed, thinking that she may be putting them to sleep. He entered the kitchen to not disturb them. Searching for any food, as his stomach was growling, he found only an empty plate with a papyrus over it. He opened it.

Dear Sun,

I know I may sound boring by now, as always I start my card with "Thank you." But trust me, it's a small thing compared to all that you have brought into my life since I met you. I am grateful for your immense light that you shower over me and our "visitors."

I never believed that someone can fall in love every day with the same person. Look at me now, I am head over heels for you in each day I spend with our family.

I love you, not just me, we all love you, our Sun.

Yours forever and ever, Moon & the Visitors.

His growling stomach stopped. As always, her card made his eyes cloudy. He heard some noise coming from upstairs and he understood that the visitors were having difficulty sleeping.

"This isn't fair, kids. Go to sleep now, I have been reading all the books on the shelf," she said, sounding tired with all the rights.

"We want one more or we will not sleep!" threatened the little ones.

"Ahm! Ahm!" he cleared his throat. As soon as the kids saw him, they jumped to his side.

"Sun, finally you came to put them to sleep," Moon sighed in relief.

"How did we decide last night, kids? That we will do what mommy says, especially when it is time to sleep." He kneeled before them and watched her fixing the books on their shelf.

"We can't help it, dad! She is so funny, making voices," the twins ecstatically declared in unison. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle, but earned a clearing throat from Moon, attached with an angry glare. He mouthed a "Sorry."

"If we didn't know she is our mom, we would easily mistake her for a teenager. She is our buddy, more than a mom," his little princess was standing beside the twins and spoke up. 

Yeah, his Moon knows no age, sometimes even others are surprised by her youthful look. Well, she says that her secret is her family, especially him.

"Mum isn't your age, she is a grown-up. And she is like the Moon that never gets aged as long as we keep her happy. But you aren't helping too much, she works all day. Instead, you should obey and not throw tantrums. If she is sad, we will all be sad," he said, noticing her tired eyes.

"We love mommy and we will always keep her happy. Besides, we are her happiness. Right, mommy?!" The kids moved from him and went to her, clinging to her legs.

"Yes, my sweeties, you are my happiness. But can you sleep now, my angels?!" She said in her cute voice that made them giggle.  

"Pop onto your beds now. I will check on you later," he helped her to cover them well.

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