The Lumity Plan! (Short)

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Okay!...okay....I mean... how hard can it be?

I looked at myself in my mirror. Looking deep into my eyes....
That's...that's normal, right? I'm sure others also stare into their own soul.

"Okay, Luz! You have to ask yourself. What...what do you feel when you see Amity!" I say to myself. Almost shouting.

"Uhm...she...she's interesting, and she makes me want to know more about her soo...she brings the Sherlock Holmes out of me..?" I say, rubbing my forehead with my hand.
"She's... smart. Very smart, actually. Like that one blue haird lady said, 'Go for the smart ones!"

I say, looking at myself again. I have a wide smile on my face, but slowly, I just let out a loud sigh, covering my face with my hands.


"I...she...she might me..?"


I turn around, walking toward my bed. Without thinking, I just flopped onto it, spreading out my arms.

Amity is many things. She's so smart, interesting, talented, so....beautiful...

What do I have?
What can I offer? She's so many things, me? I'm just...Luz...
A girl who's obsessed with non-fiction books. Shows about talking ponies and a movie about a pink rock that wanted to wipe out earth...


Would Amity ever like someone like that?...


" still there? If you're talking in your head, I hope you know I can't hear those..." Viney suddenly says through the phone.
My eyes suddenly widen, sitting back up.

"Oh shoot! Sorry! I forgot I was...on the phone with you-..."
I say, getting up and walking over to my nightstand.

"Wow...what a way to say that I don't matter.." she says as I pick up my phone. "That was...sarcastic, by the way.."

"Sorry, Viney. It's head is just clouded with thoughts. I'm not sure if I should just...keep going like my feelings don't exist, or let my feelings known but that might end up bad and probably mess up what we already have."


And I don't want to mess up our relationship. It took a lot to convince Amity that I wanted to be friends. So that the end I weird her out with my pathetic feelings?!...



"Hey, you're doing that thing again..." Viney says.

"S-..Sorry..." I apologize yet again. I go back to flopping onto my bed, looking at the ceiling.


"Say, who's Amity again?...the green hairdo right? The Blight I think?..." viney says, "she's the one your so head over heels for?"

I nod...which...I'm not sure why I did. She can't see me.
"Yeah...well. Maybe not that much, but...the feelings are there. I don't know...I'm not like deeply in love! But I also get like...butterflies when I think about her. I even get excited at the thought of me...being with her..."


"Huh...sounds to me that you need to get your feelings straight. Heh...well...not straight but you get the idea.."


"So...I need to figure out what...I'm feeling first?"

"Yup! I want you to figure out what you feel here! can't see, but I'm touching my chest!"


Right...okay! I have to figure out myself first before I continue with anything else!

"Right! I need to come up with a plan! A plan to confess my feelings!...I'll call it..."

"The Lumity Plan!"



While busy with my excitement, I don't notice my mom coming into my room.
I only find out when she says my name.

"Mija?...are you alright? Your chicken nuggets are still on the table downstairs. I find it weird because the plate would usually be cleaned..." she says with a giggle in the end, walking into my room.

"Mom! Hey!" I say, quickly walking up to her. "I need your help!"

She looks at me, probably trying her best to match my excitement.
"O-Oh..? With what dear?" She says.

"Well, you know how i told you about how I feel about my friend? How I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is love or complicated feelings? Well! I have a plan! Something to see if I'm correct or not!"

She nods, her face showing this puzzled but sure expression. "Um...yes I do remember. And what are your plans exactly..?" She takes a seat on my bed.
I before I can join her, I run to my desk and grab my notebook, running back to her.

I however-...somehow...end up tripping, but fortunately, my mom helped by holding me.

"L-Luz!...careful mija! You almost-.."

"Yeah, sorry! I look!" I quickly sit down next to her, opening my book.
I flip a few pages until I find the one I'm looking for. "Now, here's how I'm planning on executing the mission!"


My mom grabs the notebook off my hands, adjusts her glasses, and begins to read through.
I just patiently wait, watching how her nose slightly crutches.
"I will say...this is well organized. But I have no idea what I'm reading.." she laughs a bit.

"Oh, yeah, that's fine. Only I will understand. This is just sorta like a timeline, see?" I point at the long line I drew sideways. It starts at the beginning of the left page and ends on the last page.

"Here, I wrote the dates about all the encounters I had with Amity! From the very beginning to the last. I wrote down things Amity likes and dislikes. What she loves and hates," I inform my mom.
"So what I'm doing is collecting information about her so that I can use it when I confess to her!"


My mom nods, looking at the notebook again. "Ah, so you're figuring out what to do and not do..?"

I nod, a smile on my face, "Yes! Exactly! Like that, I won't mess things up! So what do you think? Good? Or does it need more work?"

She just giggles, setting the book aside. "I think it's cute...and...slightly weird but that's okay! I'm fully aboard with your plan, mija.."
She pats my head, "I'm glad you're taking in her feelings as well instead of just yours."

I look at her with the biggest smile, making my cheeks hurt a bit, "why of course! That's important too! I can't just think of my feelings only. Hers are important as well," I tell my mom. She also shares a wide smile, rubbing the top of my head, making my hair messy.

"Oh make me so proud. I knew I raised you right," she warmly says, patting my head one last time before getting up, "anywho, enough planning. Those chicken nuggets aren't gonna eat themselves. Hurry downstairs, or I'll eat them myself," she says with a chuckle.

I'm sure she was expecting me to take my time. But oohhh, was she wrong! No one eats my nuggies!
Without warning, I dart passed her, her shocked expression as I zoomed by. "Not if I get there first!" I shouted, quickly running downstairs.

"Mija-...Luz! You're going to fall! Stop running!" Is all I hear her say, hurrying behind me.



"Hello..? Anyone there..? Woooww...she done left me on call..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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