Chapter 7

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Kage: thought
Kage: 'Using thought as communication
Kage: "Direct speaking"

Kage POV

After Rimuru leave

While they are still staying where Rimuru leave I clap my hand to gained the attention

Kage: "Listen everyone, I have announcement to make"

All of them: "Hai"

Kage: "This night I will leave because I have something to make so I want the guards to pay more attention and tomorrow morning I want all of you to comeback here with pair meaning 1 goblin and 1 tempest fang wolf this is only for those who want to fight I will train them myself so be ready and the others who don't want to join just live your life as usual. Does someone has question?"

Gobemon raised his hand

Kage: "Gobemon what is it?"

Gobemon: "What do we need to bring"

Kage: "I will take care of everything just do your best in training as for the cooks be prepared I will bring foods to eat when we practice. Does that answer your question Gobemon"

Gobemon: "Hai!"

Kage: "Do your training seriously because you'll be the number 1 defender of this village when someone attack so make us proud"

Everyone: "We will not disappoint you"

Kage: "Good, I will now go"

I said while leaving

Rigurd: "Take care Kage-sama"

Kage: "I will let you handle the village Rigurd"

Rigurd: "Hai"

He said as I depart

Rimuru POV

After leaving the village

Rimuru: Right now I'm traveling towards the Dwargon kingdom along with five followers. The speed is around 80Km/H. In order not to fall off, [Sticky Silk] was used to fix the body onto the wolves back. But going downhill was really a scary experience. Although I'm worried about their stamina but I can't easily communicate with them while traveling at this speed"

{Use the skill obtained from the fang wolf tribe [Thought Communication]}

Rimuru: Oh Speaking of which, I've also learnt this kind of skill

Rimuru: 'Hey guys are you okay?'

Ranga: 'No need to worry perhaps it's because of the evolution, we aren't very fatigued.'

Rimuru: 'Is that so'

Rimuru: 'That said, Rigur elder brother got a name from someone too right? Did he evolve?'

Rigur: 'Yes, but he didn't evolve to such an extent like us. Elder brother was named by a demon lord army's officer, Gelmud-sama. He said he wanted elder brother to become his subordinate in the future'

Rimuru: Now I get what Kage is talking about.

Rimuru: Demon lord army!! As expected, something like this that exists!! Would they attack human countries in order to rule the world. That said, which side will I be on at that time.

They continued they're travel to Dwargon kingdom

Just like in the anime Rimuru bring Gobta with him while while he left the others in the forest while they're entering Dwargon they got in a fight with a few adventures and Rimuru shape shift into Wolf and scare the others including the adventures who pick a fight on them. When the situation got bigger the guards finally step in and arrested both Rimuru and Gobta. Rimuru gives super potions to the guard because Myrd, Garm, Dord got in an accident after that they Release Rimuru and the guard bring Rimuru to Kaijin and Rimuru help Kaijin by creating 20 magic steel long swords and they goto the bar and Rimuru learned about his destined on and they got in trouble again where Rimuru returned to the jail. At the morning they have to meet the King for their innocence and the result is that they are exiled.

Rimuru finally reunited with the others

The dwarves showed a look of surprise to the monster they are with him. And Rimuru introduced to the monsters

Kage POV

They finally started their training. Kage first training is to strengthen their body that's why Kage let them do more physical exercise than swords arts.

Kage: "5 more minutes after this we can take a break"

Just hearing the word "break" their morale rise. While the Goblins are honing their physical capabilities Kage also trained the wolves in high speed attack. While they're very impressive because of their speed Kage know that there are still more potential, maybe because everyone is named unlike in the series but back to the topic from the topic he let the wolves jump from branch to branch with high speed.

After 3 days

Rimuru and the others finally arrived at the village

Rimuru told me everything that happened on Dwargon kingdom and I also told him what I did in the village

Kage POV

Gobta: "Alright! Then let me give an example first. Look closely okay! Hnghhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Suddenly a tempest fang wolf appear on the shadow

Gobta: "It's here!"

The audience got impressed by gobta

Goblins: " Woww"

Gobta: "That's how it is! Everyone come and try!"

While watching Gobta teaching the others

Kaijin is coming towards Rimuru and I

Kaijin: "Hey, Master Rimuru who is this young man"

Rimuru: "Oh yeah, you guys didn't meet yesterday this Kage Tempest my brother he is one of the leader of this village aside from me"

Kaijin: "I didn't think that you have a brother Master Rimuru. Although this might be offensive but can I ask you a question Master Kage"

Kage: "Sure"

Kaijin: "Are you also a monster"

Kage: "Yeah I am but I won't reveal my race"

Kaijin just nodded but Rimuru ask a question through [Thought Communication]

Rimuru: 'Why'

Kage: 'I feel like I'm rare because of my race that's why I will ask you to keep it a secret for me'

Rimuru: 'It's not a big deal so don't worry'

Actually just like the series before they build the country they move another area first. But for this timeline I initiated this move.

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