Chapter 10

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Kage: thought
Kage: 'Using thought as communication
Kage: "Direct speaking"

Kage POV

It's already night time where everybody is asleep including Rimuru but got interrupted when Kage call him.

We can see a man at a cliff were we can see the whole view of the town and a woman that is walking towards the man with her sword ready for any danger

Shizu: "Why did you call me here" Shizu said in a serious voice but even so Kage is not affected by it

Kage: "Sorry about that I have something important to say to you" Kage knows that calling a girl in a nighttime and aside from that meeting with her alone is quite problematic on the girl side that's why he first say sorry to her before continuing

Kage: "Although you already knew it but I will tell you anyway your life is about to end in a few days"

Shizu: "Y-Yo-ou knew it" Shizu serious face turns into sad face while trying to hold her cry

Kage: "You even lie to Rimuru that you will comeback here"

Shizu: "I only said that I will bother him again"

Kage: "Yeah, but do you really think that's the meaning he understand?"

Shizu: "I-I don't know" Shizu answered while stuttering

Kage: "Shizu... I have a proposal to ask you do you want to hear it"

Shizu: "Before I hear it I want to know why do you know about my current condition"

Kage: "Hmmm let's just say that I can see your soul almost broken into pieces by a third party and I won't give anymore details"

Shizu: " I get it I will trust you because of Rimuru-san"

Kage: "You see even me doesn't know who that third party that's within you but the only answer using logic is a Spirit because your a strong human, every time you uses his power he can consume you" Although Kage already know that a Spirit is within him he doesn't want to be direct to avoid being suspicious

Shizu just nod

Kage: "But in the coming days you will reach your limit and be consumed by him and you probably know what will happen to you"

Shizu just nod silently

Kage: "Your very especial to Rimuru that's why I will give you this proposal"

Shizu: "So what is it"

Kage: "But first I will tell you something important first"

Shizu: "Ok"

Kage: "I have a Unique Skill called [Fate and Destiny]" Kage created this skill after Rimuru left to Dwargon Kingdom and his last skill that he will created because if he create at least one new unique skill Kage soul will be the one to be affected by the consequences that's why he need to rest on creating more skill.

Shizu: "Telling your unique skill to someone you barely know is like asking for you to die, you know"

Kage: "It doesn't matter just like how you trust me because of Rimuru I also trust you won't tell it to somebody"

Shizu: "So what's your reason for revealing your unique skill?"

Kage: "Just by the name you can probably deduce what's the use of this skill because I won't go to details. I reveal this to you because there's two path you can follow.

Shizu: "Mind telling me what's the difference between these path"

Kage: "While the other one will end a few days because you died the other one is you living with Rimuru and struggle together to achieve both of your dreams."

Shizu: "W-What do you mean by liv-ving t-together?" shizu stutter while asking the man beside her

Kage: "To be blunt, both of you are destined together not only by friend but by being lover" Kage said nonchalantly while shizu face became red

Kage: "Everytime I use this skill I can see a connection between individuals and it is defined by colors, for example the both of use our connection is color green, it means that in the future the possibility of us being friends is high. And, the color of your connection to Rimuru is red as a sign of lover"

Kage: "So do you want to hear my plan?"

Shizu: "I would like to hear it but don't we need Rimuru-san"

Kage: "Don't worry he should be here right now"

Just after Kage talk the both of them hear a rustling in the forest. After a few more minutes Rimuru appeared

Kage: "Your finally here"

Rimuru: "What do you want to talk about and why is Shizu-san here?" Rimuru ask

Kage: "Rimuru do you know that Kaijin told me something interesting between you and her" Both Rimuru and Shizu got confused but after a few seconds Rimuru finally realize

Rimuru: "W-What ar-re you tal-lking about?" Rimuru ask while he stutter

Shizu: "What do you mean Kage-san"
Shizu ask confused although she already knows that she and Rimuru are destined she didn't know Rimuru knows it"

Kage: "From what I hear from Kaijin when they go celemmmmm to a clumm There's an artifact that wemmmm let you see the destiny of the specified person" While Kage is explaining to Shizu, Rimuru uses his own body to cover Kage mouth

After explaining both Rimuru and Shizu are blushing a mess.

Kage: "Back to the subject. Rimuru the reason why I call you both here is to save shizu

After Shizu explained to Rimuru her circumstances Rimuru got teary-eyed and has now full of motivation to save his destined one

Rimuru: "Kage what do we need to do to save Shizu" Rimuru ask

Kage: "Well the way we are now we are not strong enough to save her directly so I got a plan. Soon enough Ifrit will take over her body and that's the time when I use my skill to protect Shizu soul. Even though I protected her soul her body is already at limit so you need to create one and you need to find a superior spirit to inhabit her that will help her make stronger

Rimuru: "But how do I make a body for Shizu soul to inhabit and to find a superior spirit"

Kage: "Don't worry about that Rimuru, in the near future you will become strong enough to save her and maybe even release Veldora" Kage said while whispering the last part to Rimuru

Rimuru: "Are you okay with this Shizu-san" Rimuru ask worried that she might reject and Shizu clearly know this

Shizu: "I accept Rimuru-san please take care of me" While both of them smile to each other

Kage: "The way you said that Shizu is like asking him to marry you"

After saying that Kage immediately leave, leaving both Rimuru who look like a red slime and Shizu who looks like a tomato

While both of them recomposed their self and Leave together awkwardly

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