Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

We can see 5 individuals that are eating at the dining table

Eren: "Aaaaahhhhh!"

Gido steals Eren's meat

Eren: "Gido! Damn! You dare to eat my meat"

Gido: "The dining table is a battlefield, Miss Eren"

Eren: "Alright then! I'll eat Kaval's portion"

Kaval: Ahh! The meat I roasted with so much effort. Kaval thought

Rimuru: "Really, a bunch of merry fellas"

Shizu: "Mister slime, mister slime! You're touching the iron plate, you know?"

Rimuru: "I thought I was going to melt"

Shizu: "Seeing that you haven't melted you probably have [Resistance] to Heat"

Rimuru: "[Resistance]"

Shizu: "People from a parallel world will obtain the ability that they strongly thirst for at that moment. Those abilities are sometimes [Skills] [Resistance]"

{Individual named Rimuru Tempest possesses [Thermal Change Resistance]}

Rimuru: 'Ahh... I see how it is

Rimuru: "I was stabbed to death in my previous life"

This piques Shizu's interest

Shizu: "Stabbed to death?"

Rimuru: "That time, because I was thinking something like how my back was so hot, and how it was cold because all my blood flowed out and such. I probably got the ability because of that"

Shizu: "Is that so...? That's rough"

Rimuru: "Yeah. Your name is Shizu, right? I presume you must have gone through a lot of hardships too? When you fought with the giant ants, you controlled fire. Is that the power you thirsted for when you came to this place"

Shizu: ".... No that's not... Fire to me is a curse "

Rimuru: "What do you mean by that?"

Shizu: "The last scene I remember from my original world was that everything around me had turned into a sea of flames, miserable voices resounded in my ears the town I always lived in was engulfed by the red color of flames"

Rimuru: "... Could it have been an air strike?"

Shizu: "Probably, yeah I think it's called the bombing of Tokyo. My student... That child was also born in Japan, and seemed to have learned about this in history class"

Rimuru: "I see, So that's why you reincarnated to this world"

Shizu: "No, I didn't die"

Rimuru: "Eh"

Shizu: "I was summoned here by a certain man. But the person that man wanted to summon seemed to be someone else. And he was disappointed when he saw me. So it seemed like he lost interest in me right away. But, I don't know if this was on a whim, but he made the fairy of flames possess my body even though this gave me the ability to control fire... It was also a curse at the same time. Because of this power... Because of the flames~~ I lost many important people to me, so I am still a little afraid to get close to people.

Rimuru: Though she's lived a bitter life, she isn't worldly at all... How nice, this person is.

Rimuru: "How about taking a walk for digestion"

Rimuru and Shizu are riding on Ranga's back while feeling the fresh air

Shizu: "So fast, you said it was called the Tempest Fang wolf race right?"

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