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    "Janette! Jonathan! Can you hear me?" Dracula looks at the inside of the airplane and the image on the screen catches his attention "This is how we're represented. Unbelievable." He shakes his head "Janette! Janette, can you hear me?"

    "Dracula, is that you?" Janette leans onto the window.

Both siblings watch as the bat opens his mouth and speaks but no sound reaches them.

    "Huh? Dracula..." Janette turns to Johnny who raises his shoulders.

    "We can't understand you!" Johnny screamed at the window, earning some glares and confused looks from the passengers.

    "What, my hand's in a tan shoe?" Dracula said from outside.

    "What, japan's eating lamb stew?"

    "Johnny, what does that even mean? Why would he said that"

    "I don't know, that's what I understood"

    Dracula slumps his shoulders and makes an irritated look, finally realizing that this isn't working.

    "Hey, do you know you're smoking?"

    Dracula flies forward and Johnathan tries to follow him, causing chaos as he stumbles and pushes to pass through, leaving Janette to apologize as she follows him. Dracula lays into the plane's windshield and hypnotizes the pilot.

Janette and Johnny halt as the voice from the pilot reaches the cabin.

    "Folks, I'm gonna turn on the seat belt sign just as a precaution while we..."

    "While we hear a special announcement for my dear friends Janette and Jonathan."


    "My dear girl , I have made a terrible mistake. I was trying to keep my baby to myself, because I knew I would always protect him... but I realize now children need to discover things for themselves. They'll stumble and fall, laugh and cry, but such is life. The truth is... you and Markus are meant to be. You zinged! If he must give his trust to someone else, I'm thankful that it is you, Janette. I hope you and Jonathan can hear me, and forgive me."

    The siblings smile, there is a scream and noise as some passengers move away from the window when Dracula, in his bat form, appears.

    Janette and Jonathan see Dracula outside the window also, and give him a smile and a thumbs up to show their acceptance of Dracula's apology; Dracula smiles also.

    "Okay, folks, we're going to make a quick turn around to... refuel, and then we will be back on our way." The crowd groans angrily "Quit your whining! I'm burning up out here!"


    "Drac!" Johnny and Janette run to his tall dark -and burned- figure after the emergency landing.

    "Hey" Johnny goes to try and hug him but gets pushed "Auch!"

    "Dracula, what are you doing standing under the sun?"

    "It doesn't matter, we should get back to the castle" He grabs their hands.

    "Wait! What about our backpacks?"

    "Leave that to us"

    Dracula turns, while Janette and Johnny look behind Dracula as they see their friends in the car.


    "You're here!"

    "They would take your things" He nodded to the car "Johnny will go with them, Janette you come with me"

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