𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 39: Demon Bull King

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Hollered laughters echoed around the jungle, scaring nearby beasts and critters into hiding. Over a large bonfire in the middle of the day, about a quarter of the boar was barbecued to crisp for the human while  a quarter was left raw for the demon who's already finishing half to the bone. Who knew that a demon hunter coming from the Lian family would come to similar terms with an S-Class demon that was once a sworn brother to the infamous Monkey King?

It was around the time Xiu reincarnated as a man, she and Bull King met with a similar distaste for Sun Wukong and got along pretty quickly despite the fact that she also attempted to kill him. "So how's the wife? You and Iron Fan are still together after 500 years I see."

"Indeed. I'm lucky to have a patient spouse who was able to revive me from the Nether after that wretched simian killed me."

"Technically it's your fault for rampaging in an innocent village," the woman takes a big chunk in her mouth, swallowing it in one whole gulp, "You got me killed there, you know."

"And yet here you are," he smirks. "Rumor has it that you became close with Sun Wukong and was traveling with him for decades. So you decided to keep your enemy closer this time?"

"I wouldn't say that," she nervously chuckles, "It's of my own volition to cast away what I thought was a valid reason to risk my life every time I'm face to face with him. You know how he is, he's stronger than anyone other than the Jade Emperor, it's no use for me to continue attacking him in vain."

Once again, Bull King couldn't help but agree with her. He tried that many times before, and as expected of the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, he's pretty much undefeatable. "So what brings you here in the middle of the desert?"

"Got driven off here by an automatic vehicle. I didn't even realized I got separated from the group until it was nighttime," the bone was licked clean before she tosses it in the fire, "What about you? Why are you here? As far as I know, this jungle's pretty small for a demon like you."

"It's one of the territory I claimed for livestock. In fact, my fortress isn't far from here, we're having a feast tonight."

Xiu smirks, tilting her head, "And I suppose a human couldn't join in on this banquet of yours?"

He chuckles, "If you insist. Unless you wanna stay here and attract more attention to yourself. As you said, you don't have your weapon with you."

The woman rubs her chin as if she's thinking whether it's wise to go with a demon in its lair. "I don't know... Would it be okay for Iron Fan if I did tag along?"

"We owe you from before, I'm sure she'll won't mind having a familiar face for a guest," he nodded.

Xiu ends up walking side by side with the large beast until they reached a huge volcanic palace surrounded by metal and magma. It sure brings her back to the old days when she came by their place and crashed in for half a lifetime. Greeting them at the entrance were a few mechanical bulls, the ones that she heard had invaded the city before, but Xiu was too deep in work to even notice them before.

They entered what seemed to be an open air lobby, and it just so happens that his wife is already floating up on the pillars to help place some ornaments, "Princess Iron Fan, look who I found near our humble abode."

Xiu peeks out behind his left leg, waving her hand towards the woman. The woman swooped down in a blast of wind, her magic fan immediately connecting to the mortal's neck, "If you plan to take us down once more, then I shall end your life right here and now."

She knew this would be a bit difficult, since the last time they've met was when Sun Wukong trapped Bull King under the mountain with the staff. "I don't. I'm just passing through, actually. I was on a journey with the others you see."

"You died before. So your ramblings about reincarnating with full memories really is true," Iron Fan makes her weapon disappear in the wind, resuming back to her usual demeanor, "I suppose this journey involves Sun Wukong. Is he with you as well?"

"Well... yes, but I got lost and stumbled upon your farm. I was hoping you could allow me to rest for the day here while I figure out how to get back to them."

A mechanical bull runs down to Iron Fan's side and whispers something to her. She sighs, waving it off to make it go back to work. "It appears you wouldn't need much preparation for that."

After grooming her for an hour with a bath and a set of clothes, the mistress of the household took Xiu and led them down the hall to the dining area. "How you managed to group yourself with those lot are kinda disappointing. From what you were before, I was hoping you'd ally with us to take over the world."

"Oh come on, you know I don't care much for that kind of gig. It's too much responsibility, and you know me, I only care about finishing the job I want to do," she chuckles nervously.

"You can't even kill Sun Wukong. And you strayed far from your life of a one man show. It's never too late to acquaint yourself with the right crowd," Iron Fan starts her aeroportation, bring Xiu along with her.

"I'll think about it, I guess," Xiu had no room for argument here since they're already being too humble by allowing her in their lair. Angering Princess Iron Fan without the means to protect herself would be a mortal's death wish.

As they got inside the dining room, three familiar faces immediately looked towards her, their expressions changing from gloom to excitement and relief. "XIU!!!" Mei, MK, and Sandy got to her, their arms immediately wrapping around her.

"I can't believe you guys are here!" Xiu laughs bringing Mei and MK's faces to each side of hers. "I guess my luck on this lifetime really has gone off the roof." The woman notices one other individual seated on the left, his flaming red hair stood out more than anything, and instantly, Xiu got out of their holds and came rushing towards him. "OH MY HANDSOME DARLING LITTLE NEPHEW! HOW YOU'VE GROWN!!!"

The trio crashes down on the floor in utter shock. And to be honest, Redson felt like falling off the chair as well when she says that. Cream hair and almost white in color, black strands that occupied either side of her face. He knew only one person with that kind of description, and knew only one person who had called him their nephew. "U-Uncle Xiu?!"

MK, Mei, and Sandy went back to their seats, rightfully balancing themselves as another shock struck them like a lightning bolt, "UNCLE?!!!"


There you have it😁 Another surprising scenario that this lazy brain of mine came up with. We still don't know exactly how or why DBK actually revived or died from the story at the pilot episode, hopefully they'd explain that too. Or if not, then I guess I'll leave it as it is😆

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