8: USJ

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The three arrived at a battle between Shoji and a crowd of villains. The villains were mocking and laughing as they threw fire-based attacks at Shoji who was doing his best to defend against another large villain who was in hand-to-hand range with him. Their classmate had burn marks on his body from the continuous attack and couldn't move properly because of the villain assaulting him in front.

Izuku sped up and began to absorb all the thermal energy in the area, including the flying projectiles. Fireballs slowed in midair and then dissolved into energy that streamed into Izuku's waiting hand. The area immediately got colder as frost built up at his feet. He focused on the villain in front of Shoji that had molten rock for skin and also began to absorb it. Magma cooled and the man slowed considerably as the glowing sections of liquid rock harden. Shoji took advantage of his weakness and slammed his right arms into his face and began to pummel him.

Izuku turned back to the crowd of villains who continued to try and throw fire at Izuku but it was no use, more and more frost began to creep away from his feet. The green-haired boy then began to launch lightning bolts at the villains and they scattered. But not before Uraraka tagged a few and some fell to the ground as they got tripped or punched by nothing.

The battle lasted no more than five minutes before all the villains were down. They didn't have anything to tie them up with so they piled them up and to the side. "You alright, Shoji?" Izuku asked their burnt classmate.

"Better now, was beginning to look grim. Thank you all for your help." Shoji nodded to them.

"We should get out of this section of the USJ and see how everyone else is doing." Izuku said to everyone.

They all agreed and they made their way to the exit. Izuku looked around at the thermal energy in the air and from the open flames in the building. It would be a waste to leave it all behind. He took off his jacket and put it on Hagakure's shoulders.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"It's gonna get a bit chilly, give me a minute." Izuku split off the group and walked into the street away from the group who were watching him.

"Midoriya, what are you doing?" Shoji shouted over the roaring flames.

Izuku ignored him and looked at the bountiful harvest before him. He exhaled and then grabbed all the thermal energy in front of him and inhaled slowly but deeply. Flames near him flickered and drew into his body. He pulled and pulled more and more. A sea of thermal energy pulled from the air and was sucked unto him. He didn't care about the building and turned them into ash and glass. Frost covered the ground where he was facing and it spread at a steady pace. Streams of fire converged into him and settled in his core. Izuku absorbed more and his core wasn't full, he didn't feel anywhere close to full. He didn't know if he could be full. When he felt it was taking too long he stopped and saw what was left behind. Ash, glass, and slag were all that remained after his harvest of energy. About a three-city block radius was cold and void of heat. In a minute, where a hellscape stood now lay a barren landscape.

He turned back to his classmates and he saw wide eye horror, astonishment, and awe. The ice cracked around his feet and he joined them. "That was incredible." Hagakure spoke first.

"It was a force of nature, beautiful but scary. Like a tropical storm coming from afar." Shoji looked back at the ruins and then at Izuku who stood half his height.

"It was something." Uraraka added quietly.

Izuku blushed under the praise and moved to the doors. With their help, they walked into the plaza and it didn't look good.

Aizawa was bloody and bashed under the grip of the dead eye monstrosity. Villains lay behind them, credit to Eraserhead's abilities. The lanky villain spoke to the mist villain and Izuku could hear what they said.

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