27: Revealed

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Izuku watched the news on the TV in Tooru's and Kyouka's room. Currently, All Might was battling against some villain in the Kamino ward. The same ward where Bakugo was and the League was trying to capture him again. The raid to rescue Bakugo began while UA gave a formal apology to everyone and made a statement. Bakugo was trying to escape from being encircled by the League. It was evident on the news helicopter, the villains Izuku encountered were still seriously hurt. The girl was stumbling and sluggish while the top-hat villain was down one arm and if his quirk was based around his hands, half effectiveness.

The villain All Might was fighting was strong, he was holding his own against the number one hero. From what Izuku could tell, the villain had used different quirks. He could see when the villain's arm grew and then metal bolts grew out afterwards. Those two could have been connected but when he forced Kurogiri to activate his quirk while unconscious, Izuku was sure that was the man who gave the quirks to the Nomu.

Izuku frantically wrote down his theories about having multiple quirks. What could that mean for quirks? Were they part of a person or some attachment has grown on? Did the villain have a limit on the number of quirks he could hold? How many could he use at the same time? The mere idea of that kind of quirk fascinated Izuku to no end and he was happy to have something to research.

He turned back to the TV where Bakugo apparently blasted off the ground into Mt Lady's hand and then she threw him like a rat. He barked out a laugh at the scene of Bakugo cartwheeling in the air.

All Might had seen his student evacuate the area and began to unleash his full power against the villain. The camera couldn't pick up what the villain was saying but it affected the number one hero. Some world-changing revelation shook All Might and his true form was shown to all of the world. But to his credit, All Might didn't give up and finished off the villain with an earth-shattering punch. There All Might stood emaciated and unsteady on his feet. He was about to say something but Izuku turned off the TV. He didn't care for the man.

Izuku returned to playing with the idea of multiple quirks in a body. It was clear to Izuku that he wasn't working alone to create the Nomu. They had a humanoid appearance and were altered either by a quirk or science. Could adding too many quirks in a normal human transform them into Nomu or was there a different process? So many questions and no way to answer them at the moment.

Izuku responded to some messages in the group chat from his friends about the news. He went back to his notebook and kept going on theories and fun scenarios with multiple quirks. Another day passed with Izuku spending most of his time at the hospital with Tooru and Kyouka. The other members of his gang joined him every once in a while but they didn't stay longer than he did. On the fourth day after the camp, Izuku was detailing a picture for Tooru when he heard a noise come from her. Izuku dropped what he was doing and went to her side.

"Tooru?" Izuku asked, next to her bed.

She groaned and she smiled softly at hearing Izuku's voice. "'Zuku." She hummed.

"Tooru?" Izuku asked gently and took her hand in his. His voice wavered but he stayed near her.

"Doing in my room?" She mumbled.

Izuku laughed and remembered to call the doctor. He pushed the button and went back to Tooru's side. "Not in your room, Tooru."

"No, I'm right." Tooru raised her hand and placed it over Izuku's face.

Izuku took Tooru's hand and held it close to his face. A nurse ran inside with a doctor on her heels. "When did she wake?" The nurse asked and began to check her pulse and other simple tests while putting on goggles to see Tooru.

"Not two minutes ago," Izuku responded but stayed near her.

"And Miss Jirou?" The doctor asked without looking up.

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