32: Shie Hassaikai

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A few days passes as Izuku continued his internship with Fat Gum and Suneater. Any day the hero gave Izuku off was spent with Tooru and his friends. It was more often to see Izuku with Tooru at his side than not. While away, Mina teased Tooru for missing her other half.

On one particular day off on the weekend, Izuku and Tooru went out into the city to enjoy themselves. It was a spontaneous choice by Tooru, Izuku barely had any time to get changed before she dragged him out of his room with a couple of things he quickly grabbed. She seemed excited to go and Izuku couldn't keep his smile off his face as she led him out of the gates. The first stop was at a small shop that sold pastries that caught her attention. He paid for both of them with Tooru's protesting at his arm. He managed to put her at ease when he proposed she pay the next time they visited the shop. She agreed grudgingly but still smiled up at him. From there, they went to a small mall to wander around and window shop while talking about school, her parents, his internship, and many more mundane things. When they neared a small park, Tooru pulled him to a bench under a tree's shade.

"You know that secret move I've been keeping you from seeing?" Tooru asked eagerly and somewhat shyly.

Izuku smiled softly at her and nodded. "Yea, are you finally going to tell me what it is?"

She took in a large breath and nodded. "I am."

Izuku watched with his eyes instead of his senses as a shimmering outline covered her skin. Slowly, Izuku could see her. She had pale skin with yellowish-green eyes and hair very similar to her mother. She had a beaming smile as Izuku's breath was taken away. He could only take in every detail of her visible face for a long moment.

"I've only practiced by looking at my hands, I wanted you to be the first to see me." She said with a visible flush creeping into her cheeks. "What do you think?" She asked more shyly.

Izuku could only grab her face and smiled brilliantly at her. "You're beautiful."

Her face flushed red at his words and her eyes watered a bit. "And if I wasn't?" She asked jokingly.

"I still would have said so." He chuckled and kept taking in every detail of her. "You still haven't seen yourself!" Izuku quickly took out his phone but Tooru snatched it away and held it an arm's length away before taking a picture with the both of them in it.

She flipped the phone around to see herself and took in a wobbly breath as she also took in every detail of her face. Her concentration failed and she was invisible again but that didn't stop Tooru from turning to Izuku and giving him a bone-cracking hug. He took the impact from her nearly knocking him over and hugged her in return.

"Thank you," Tooru said into his chest.

"For what?" He asked confused, still holding her.

"You were the one who gave me the idea that my quirk wasn't just invisibility but light refraction." She said pulling away but still holding his hands.

He shook his head with a soft smile. "It was only a matter of time until you figured it out yourself."

They spend their time at the bench close to each other until it began to darken. Izuku and Tooru walked with their arms hooked the whole way back to the campus. They returned just in time for dinner and sat with their friends for a meal before bed. Mina teased the details of their time outside the wall of the school. Everyone went to bed with Tooru sneaking into Izuku's room once again. The two fell asleep soundly in each other's arms.

Monday, Izuku was called by Fat Gum to meet him at a different location than the agency in his school uniform. He found that odd but followed instructions. He bumped into Tsuyu and Uraraka on their way to their internships as well and rode together to their destination.

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