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Craigs pov:
Tolkiens party

The party was pretty cool, I was happy tweek came because I knew it would make him anxious to be there so I promised to not leave him. There wasnt anything really crazy there like beers and stuff — I mean we were only 13/14.

But it started to go downhill when Clyde had made an announcement saying that we were going to be doing a game of truth of dare .
We were all forced to do it even though I had better shit to do. Kyle was going first and he had to spin a bottle to see who it had landed on, and it had landed on Kenny. Kyle gave Kenny a weird look and had said "kiss butters" and that's what happened, they kissed. After that, I didn't really pay attention to what was going on cause I honestly didn't give a fuck. Well, that was until it was cartmans turn and it had landed on tweek. Cart man smirked and looked at tweek. Tweek looked terrified.

"Truth or dare, tweek?" He asked

"Truth!" Tweek said immediately after with an awkward grin

" Ok.. truth.. tell the truth about what you told me about what you thought of Craig Tucker."

I felt my heart drop. Suddenly now I was interested, I wanted to know what he said about me. Tweek looked very hesitant and looked me in the eye, we made eye contact as his mouth was just open and everyone was just waiting for him to speak, then his eyes darted away from me and we broke eye contact.

"GAH!!! TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!" He said running out the room pulling on his hair.

God, I was still trying to think what he had said to cartman before I realized he had left.

"Tweek— wait!!" I said getting up from the floor and trying to run after him. I looked all around the house for him , but I didn't see him. Until I walked into Tolkiens bedroom and saw a familiar pair of shoes hanging from the roof— wait was tweek about to fall ?! Oh shit!! I couldn't get to the roof from Tolkiens room so I rushed to the closest window I could . I climbed up as quickly as I could and saw tweek hanging on to the roof his hands were slipping off and I ran towards him and I felt like I was going to be too late I got there just in time though— cause he was literally about to plummet off the roof. I helped him up.

" Tweek are you good?" I said as he sat next to me facing the beatiful sunset.

"Y-yea sorry Craig it's just t-that—"

"Your fine dude." I still wanted to know what tweek said about me but I knew not to ask because obviously he didn't want to talk about it if he had ran out the room because of it.

We sat in silence.

"Craig?" Tweek spoke up

I hummed in a response

"T-truth or dare" he said.


"Wha-what do you think of me?" He said looking into the sunset. It was kind of ironic he was saying this— I mean I think i shouldve been the one asking, but I spoke up.

"I think— I think that you'd fall in love with anyone who fell in love with you." I said he didn't say anything but that was ok, because I still had more to say. I clenched my fists as I confessed,

" And— you know sometimes I wonder how long it will take before you start to hate yourself, and go straight to the arms of someone else and I'll just be waiting untill those arms belong to me and I'm not saying that you love me..."
"I'm not saying anything" I looked at tweek and I saw as his eyebrows were shot up suprised while his deep green eyes twinkled and gleamed like the stars you could see as the orangish purple sun that was almost set. I looked at him and he looked at me and then.. he leaned in and we kissed. His lips were so soft against my lips that we're chapped from the cold. We pulled away after more than 30 seconds and tweek giggled.

" Those arms already belong to you." He said as he dug his head into my chest. I played with his soft blond hair as the sky turned fully into stars.

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