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Tweek pov

Me and Craig have been dating for a couple weeks now , we told Tolkien and Clyde but since Craig hasn't come out yet we've kinda been on the DL. He's really sweet and I wouldn't wish it was any different. It was going good


I was walking to the bathroom during 6th period. I got into the bathroom and my heart dropped when I saw cartman. He's been giving me shit ever since he found out I was gay.

"Hey fag"

"Wh-what do you want cartman?" I said annoyed .

"Hmm, I don't know I'm just thinking about how many times you and Craig have fagged out since the party?" Cartman said looking up at the ceiling

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I said washing my hand glaring at cartman.

"I think you do"

I shook my head . I admit I was a little scared of what he could do but I stayed persistent.

Cartman murmured something

"What ever, faggers i know your secret" he said walking out the bathroom slamming the door.

My heart had dropped into my stomach. "How could he know? " I muttered to my self. The way back to class my head filled with thoughts of how cartman found out. Did he see us—?

I got back to class and sat in my seat . I ripped a paper from my notebook and scribbled 'cartman knows' on to my paper. And passing it to Craig. I start to bite my nails as Craig looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed and passing me back the paper


Craig wrote underneath my big sloppy hand writing.

Yes!! I wrote on the paper passing it back

Oka well talk later

Craig passed the note back to me , this time I didn't reply, just nodded.

* * *
School had ended a couple hours ago but i went with Craig somewhere to hang out.

We started to walk back to my house

"W-What are you going to do?" I asked Craig
Talking about cartman finding out.

He just shrugged, how could he just shrug?? Cartman is fucking crazy!! I heard he made some kid eat his own parents just because he sold him his pubes and didnt pay him back! I wanted to shout at Craig about this , but I stayed calm because I didn't want him to worry.

"O-ok Craig."

We made it to my house and he walked me to the door and gave me a kiss before leaving. I walked inside my house and ran up the stairs and listened to some music.

* * *
Craig pov:
Cartman had found out? How? I wanted to freak out but I didn't want tweak to worry. I didn't wanna go home just yet , so I started to walk down the block on my phone. I put some music on and started to walk down the dark streets.

Through my music I could hear some murmurs of people but I didn't care to look around.

Suddenly It went dark. Like I was being suffocated. I felt myself being dragged somewhere, I tried to take what was ever on my head off, but whoever this was were stronger than me.

* * *

My body was thrown into the air hitting what felt like cold concrete. I looked up confused but ready to fight back. When I looked up I saw 4-5 older kids maybe like 16-17 years old

"what the fuck —" I yelled trying to get up on my feet but that's when it started. When I tried to get up I was instantly shot down and the guys
started beating on me— I was defenseless , I couldn't fight back, they were bigger and stronger than me. My whole body hurt and after what felt like hours - it stopped .

I felt my back on the cold floor.

I just laid there unable to move staring into the sky. Thinking about tweek, and how he would feel about this.

Then suddenly,

i was warm

then I was cold

then it went dark.

who really cares (tweek x Craig fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now