11- doesn't she always

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little ballerina and the other guys

little ballerina
i really want a dog

gay guy
get one

little ballerina
or a roommate i'm lonely

grumpy guy
those are two very
different things

little ballerina
christmas is coming up so
i've put a puppy on my list

a guy
just completely ignores
everyone else

unproblematic guy
doesn't she always

little ballerina
i could take care of it

bald guy
could you really

little ballerina
you don't think i could?

big guy
you forgot to eat for a
whole day once

little ballerina
yeah ONCE

grumpy guy
you forgot to put water in
your mac and cheese cup

gay guy
ummm when did this

bald guy
yes i'm curious

little ballerina
you said you wouldn't tell
them about that!
it was an honest mistake!

big guy
you're telling me you
don't want her to get a
dog draco

grumpy guy
i never said that

little ballerina
well once i find the purfect
one i will be getting it

a guy
did you just say purfect

grumpy guy
seems irresponsible

little ballerina

grumpy guy
do you even have a dog
bed or food?

little ballerina
i said once i find one i'm
not getting one right now

a guy
what would you name
the dog

little ballerina
that depends
like who got me the dog
what does it look like

gay guy
i see
so if draco got you a dog
hypothetically of course
would you name it draco

little ballerina
maybe? if it gave off the
same vibes as him maybe

grumpy guy
what does that even mean

little ballerina
if he was also grumpy and
secretly a big softy

grumpy guy
i am not

big guy
you are

gay guy

little ballerina
draco is also really clingy
totally convinced his love
language is touch

unproblematic guy
how would you even know that

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