19- who are you?

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"YOU'RE A REAL idiot, you know that?" draco asked theo as they drove to margot's house.

theo gasped and turned to him, "why on earth would you say that?"

"you forgot to tell wood and potter about the party until yesterday. and i had to give the baker $100 extra because you offended him so badly"

"in my defense, he did look like the egg from amazing world of gumball"

draco sighed and shook his head, choosing to ignore his friend as they got out of the car.

"you know, at least i remembered her birthday," theo defended himself.

"that's not a big accomplishment," the blond eyed him.

"you're so pessimistic."

"just... shut up," he knocked on margot's door.

the door swung open, but margot was not the one who answered. in fact, it was a curly haired boy.

"who are you?" draco sneered.

"who are you?" the boy stood up straighter.

"that's not going to work," theo piped up, "draco, here, is six foot two and a professional athlete."

margot's voice broke them out of their stare off, "who's there?"

"grown men," the boy tried to close the door on draco and theo.

"what do they need?" she ducked under his arm. "oh! that's just theo and draco. come inside!"

draco pushed the boy out of his way, and theo sent a smug smile as they entered her appartment.

"happy birthday," draco pulled on a strand of her hair so her head tipped back at him.

"yes happy birthday, draco's girl space friend," theo grinned.

"thanks," she gave them a wide smile before disappearing into her room.

draco immediately came bounding over, allowing draco to pick up him.

they boy eyed him suspiciously, "he likes you?"

"that dog is just like his father," theo flopped onto the couch, "he likes himself, margot, and a select few people."

"sounds about correct," margot came back out and sat next to draco's and started petting her dog. "but he should get used to you at some point. i mean, if you come over more."

"who are you allowing to spend time is his highness' presence?" draco immediately asked.

theo smirked. neither of them really acknowledged their feelings for the other, but they were basically dating without titles.

"tristan is my dance partner."

"you have a dance partner?" draco asked.

"yes she does. we spend lots of time together in class, in her tight leotard. we touch a lot too." tristan practically snarled at draco.

"don't know what half of that has to do with anything," margot scrunched up her nose, "but yeah. we practice together sometimes because it helps for any future partner work."

"so you, like, tuck your junk all the time?" theo raised a brow, "or is it as small as i think it is, and you don't have to?"

"you guys are so weird," margot stood, "but it's almost 1:30, so i think we should be going."she looked to tristan who wore a shit-eating grin.

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