17- and if i did?

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only for margot

draco- margot's husband
oliver- biologically required
rose- the best friend

it is with deep regret
that i am forced to
communicate with

the best friend
margot is a gryffindor

not really
she does a lot of
fraternizing anyways

biologically required
why am i talking to you
how did you get my

margot's birthday is
tomorrow and i thought
you'd like to know that
we've planned a surprise
party for her and i am
obligated to invite you

margot's husband
i thought you already told

biologically required
margot's husband?

basically is
and i forgot
anyways i have to invite
you so yeah
hopefully you didn't plan

the best friend
and if i did?

you wouldn't want to
deprive her of all of her
other friends being there
and extra presents to open

the best friend
damn you

we literally wrapped
everything she's getting
individual shoes and socks
hair thingies

biologically require
how have i never thought
of that

margot's husband
because your little gryffindor
brain can't comprehend such

the best friend
you just called margot stupid

we love her
but she's not exactly the
sharpest tool in the
shed now is she
it's great she other
wonderful attributes to
compensate for that
but i expect to see you
both with your best party
faces tomorrow


twinkletoes posted

twinkletoes posted

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liked by rasputin, grahamcracker, prongslet, and others

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liked by rasputin, grahamcracker, prongslet, and others

twinkletoes i'm a photographer -i, theo, posted this btw

rasputin this is how you choose to spend the day before your bday
twinkletoes i invited you😒

lavagirl your boobs look kind of lopsided
twinkletoes all of me looks lopsided
nottusmanz i am an excellent photographer it's just you

olivertwist first pic?
notturmanz she bet him he couldn't do 50 pushups with her on his back
twinkletoes i was wrong 😞

poverty i ship it

marx pregamming a birthday is something i've never done
twinkletoes me neither
grahamcracker 20 is a big birthday

dragondude i was right
twinkletoes we get it

panama i take it you'll be skipping class tomorrow
twinkletoes correct

cyl333 btw poverty is parvati and panama is padma

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c speaks!

this chapter put me in a writing slump istg

but i'm also out of my reading slump so yay


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