First Day Back

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Kassidy pov

Today is the first day of my second year at Alfea. I saw many new faces and some old ones.
I walked my way to the opposite side of the front entrance to the Specialist's hall, I looked around to see my brother talking to a fairy I assumed.

"Your brother is flirting with a little first-year fairy, how does that feel Kass," Riven asked, coming up from behind me and placing his arm on my shoulder.
"What should we do about it then," I asked in return with a smirk.
"I'll handle it, you go do whatever it is you do," Riv replied, giving me a quick hug, then going off towards Sky.

I made my way to my dorm room and quickly unpacked my things, then put on my training clothes making my way to the training area.

"Kassidy, over here," Sky called.
"Hey, what's up," I responded, wrapping my training glove straps around my wrist.
"Nothing much just finished up with Riv, you?" Sky Asked.
"I was about to get some training in, be for orientation, besides Silva would be on my case if I didn't," I motioned to Sky, over hearing the headmaster, lecturing the first-years.
"True, come on you can train with me, you could use a challenge," Sky
Said, pushing me playfully, I punched him back.

We walked across the field near the first years. Silva was indeed lecturing them,'poor kids' I thought but my attention was brought back when Silva got Sky into a quick 1 on 1 battle out of the blue, and bested Sky quickly. I muffled my laugh while Sky claimed he was better with an advanced warning.

"He did all right. Favored his left, but what else is new, Sky's father was Andreas of Eraklyon, as well as Kassidy over there, Which made them a legacy admission, but they both still showed up on the first day and did the work. well done," Silva expressed, turning his attention to the first-year specialists, after giving Sky a quick handshake and then going to his lecture.

Sky gave me the 'Don't even mention it,' look as we made our way to the mats.

"Think you can do better than last year Kass," Sky taunted, with a grin on his face.
"I'm confident that I can take you," I spoke, with the same energy.

3 person pov

Sky and Kassidy were focused on their training, their bodies moving fluidly as they practiced their hand-to-hand combat techniques. They had been training since they were young, and their dedication was evident in their movements. As they were spared, their peers began to gather around the training area, intrigued by the siblings' skills.

Whispers and murmurs spread through the crowd as they watched Sky and Kassidy's exchange blows. Some of their peers had never seen them in action before, and they were impressed by their agility and precision.

"We've gained quite the crowd," Kassidy pointed out.
"Focus on me not them or you may just slip up," Sky let out.

Sky and Kassidy continued to stay in sync, anticipating each other's moves and countering with ease. Their peers watched in awe as they continued to spar, their movements becoming more intense with each passing moment.

As the siblings finished their training session, their peers erupted into applause. They had witnessed something truly special, a display of skill and dedication that left them in awe. Sky and Kassidy had proven that they were not to be underestimated, and their peers couldn't wait to see what they would accomplish next.

Kassidy's pov

"That was fun, though I may not have beaten you but a tie is just as good... For now," I said, breathing heavily.
"I agree, You've gotten better, but you haven't beaten me just yet," Sky replied, taking a drink from a water bottle.
"You both did well, I'm proud. get changed, have a shower will pick this up tomorrow, Dissnissed!" Silva spoke, giving us both a pat on the back.

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