A Fairy... Not Really

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Kassidy pov

It's been a week since Silva got attracted. By the burned one I know the zambaq is working but it's just preventing the inevitable if the burned one isn't killed.
I didn't want to think about it so I trained, it felt like my only escape but that would be a lie, Sam was quite the destruction even if we did have to sneak around.

While training today I could just see the worry on Sky's face. I didn't want to see the man who raised me in pain, so I left for a secluded area in the library.

"You should be with your peer's training," Miss Dowling said, walking towards me.

"I can't be around Silva, not when he's in so much pain it makes me emotional and I don't like it," I rambled.

"Would this have to do with a particular incident with the shaking metals," Miss Dowling asked.

"Yea, that was me," I admitted.

"How long have you had your magic abilities," Miss Dowling asked.

"Summer, I've been working on them but I always had my feelings in control cause that's what Specialists do, and now I'm an emotional wreck, I don't want this to be a fairy," I answered.

"Maybe being a fairy is what you need right now, follow me," Miss Dowling spoke with a calm voice.

I followed Miss Dowling into a classroom, full of fairies.
She sat me down and placed a metal pen in front of me.

"What am I supposed to do with this," I asked.

"You are a fairy who can move metal, but can you take it apart," Dowling instructed.

I focus on the pen, moving my hand as an indication of what I want the magic to carry out, shifting the pen to separate it but the pen just exploded.

"Well, that's a start, class dismissed," Miss Dowling said.

I walked through the cafeteria and sat at a table, Bloom sat in front of them.

"I didn't know you were a fairy," Bloom mentioned.

"Not many did, but I lost control yesterday, and now I'm becoming a fairy because I don't want to hurt anyone and it's a distraction from Silva, I don't know how long he's got to be, it's bad and I don't want to lose another Dad," I let out a sigh, I looked around the cafeteria and saw Sam.

"How is the distraction?," Bloom asked, teasing me about Sam.

"Complicated and a work in progress so don't mention it to Ter..," I was about to finish but Terra sat down and began to rumble, I looked at Bloom hoping she wasn't going to say anything.

"Since when is it cool to be a nerd, don't get me wrong, power to the nerds, I like getting good grades and talking about fairy history with a cuppa chamomile, but you don't see people sharing an apple with me but like gross," Terra rambled, I looked at Terra with a strange face.

"We are going to need so much more context, but I have to go, sorry, " I spoke, seeing Sam holding two Ice creams in his hand.

I got my things and left in the direction Sam walked in, I continued to look for Sam making my way down the hall and seeing him leaning against a pillar.

"How are you," Sam asked.

"Better, though I did just have my first fairy class," I answered.

"Fairy class? Why were you in fairy class if I may ask," Sam said, giving me a curious look while handing me an ice cream.

"Thank you, but what I would like to know is what your password is," I asked, holding his phone in my hand.

"How did you, oh~ that's what you meant by different," Sam connected.

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