Chapter 39

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The door opens and Alec appears in the door frame. I scream of joy, and even with the fabric placed in my mouth to keep me silent, a sound can be heard.

The masked man next to me presses the trigger harder on my temple. I am immediately brought to silence. Alec doesn't look away from me and presses the trigger once. A loud sound fills up the air, leaving the world cold. Shot. The masked guy falls to the ground. Blood starts dripping on the floor. Blood. All I can see is red. Red. The blood makes its way next to my feet. Under my heels. On my dress. Covering me up. I have foreign blood on me. I look at the man on the floor. I can see he's not breathing. He's dead. Dead. Alec shot him dead.

His words flash through my head.

Whether I will or won't kill someone is entirely up to you, Foxy.

I never thought that would actually be true.

But it is now.

Alec killed someone.

For me.

For me.

The body now lays on the ground. The white mask has fallen off. It revealed a strand of blonde hair and the face of a young man. Too young. Too young to die. His eyes are already closed.

I look afraid at Alec. Yet, the fear fades away as I see him. I know I should be terrified. Petrified. This guy is dangerous. I've seen it. The result of it lays down on the floor in front of me. I should scream and run away from him. However, everything drags me back to him. I'm running to him, rather than away from him. I want to feel his hand on mine. I want to feel his arms wrapped around me. I want to feel his breath going down my spine. I want to hear him call for me. I want him.

Alec comes closer to me and gives off the fabric from my mouth. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Foxy. I should have been there. I should have never let you go, sweetheart. I'm sorry." he whispers to me. He wants to continue: "I should have..."

I stop him with a kiss. And pull him closer.

"You're here now." I whisper.

He doesn't add anything else. We're interrupted by the sound of some applause in the background. Terrified, I stop and turn in that direction. Callum Dunn is standing at his desk, looking at us matter-of-factly. He doesn't even flinch as his gaze wonders off to the soulless body laying in front of him. He doesn't even care. That man died because of him. Alec may have pushed the trigger, but it was Callum who sealed the man's fate.

"Such a lovely display of affection," he hisses through his teeth. "Lovely. Want me to film it all for you. Play it at your wedding?"

Alec snaps and turns to his brother. It's then he remembers I'm still all tied up, so he frees me and gently places me on his back. Although he's carrying me, he doesn't seem to mind. It's the fact my hands are touching his back that makes him tense.

I try to get down, so that I don't step in his way, yet he doesn't let me go. I press my lips against his ribcage and he goes tight. I've done this before, and we were wearing a lot less clothes then than we are now. However, he still tenses.

"I don't want to be a burden", I whisper, my lips still touching his back. "You can let me down now."

He takes a deep breath and responds in a whisper tone, so that only I can hear: "Foxy, I am not letting you go out of my arms until we're home and safe. And when we're there, I am going to take you back in my arms, hug you some more and take care of you."

I lose it and kiss the spot my lips were touching. I am in love.

Alec stiffens up again under my kiss, then turns to his brother.

"How could you ever lay your dirty hands on her?!", he shouts, letting another bullet fly in the air. It's only one inch away from Callum's head. The blood freezes in me. I can't believe what is happening. I want to get away from here.


Yet I want Alec too.

And the second wish beats the first one.

So I remain here, trying not to mind the shootings and the shouts Alec lets at his brother. Not to mind how Callum calls me a pathetic money obsessed brat and a bitch. Not to mind the way I'm shivering now. The way my breath seems to go away. I am sweating. More sounds of bullets can be heard in the background.

I want to cry.


I feel like fainting.


My body is slowly fading.


Then silence.

I can see blood on the ground. I can hear someone yell. I can hear Alec swearing at his brother. I can see my boyfriend carrying me out of there. As we're out and back in the bathroom I was last in, he slowly places me on the ground and has me in a hug.

I am warm.


I am cold.

I want to stay awake.


I want to close my eyes.

"Foxy, sweetheart, are you alright?" Alec asks me panicked, seeing my state. I must look incredibly pale and dizzy. That is how I feel.

I don't respond.

My world is spinning.

"Foxy?" Alec asks me, his eyes more worried as ever.

That's the last thing I see before I collapse.

and we fellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin