Chapter 46

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"You've never had a croissant before?" Foxy asks, while waiting in line at the bakery. She's already signed autographs to every single person in this room and took photos with all of them. It's nice to see how much the world loves her. However, it also tears me apart knowing how much she sometimes suffers and how much she's been through, to make everyone love her. Fake smiling, too tight corsets, hours and hours spent in heels...Her duty is important to her, although sometimes it hurts her more than she'll ever admit out loud.

"No, I've never had a croissant before." I answer, pulling her closer to squint my lips on her cheeks. She chuckles, yet I can see she's still shocked.

"I don't even know why we're still speaking right now." She adds laughing. "I mean, did I have a hunch you might be one of those sports freaks that live on kale and protein bars? Yeah. But now? You've never had a croissant!"

I'm flattered that she noticed my athletic state, yet I plan on teasing her some more: "You make it sound as if I would have broken the law or something."

Foxy doesn't back up and replies: "I make the law, babe."

Fair enough.

"Point taken." I whisper and give her a big kiss on her cheek.

We arrive at the cash register and Foxy orders in French. She ends up taking two coffees and one croissant of each kind. And there were five kinds. I chuckle and as she's looking for her wallet in her purse, I take out my card from my pocket and pay for us. Foxy, who has seen it, rolls her eyes amused and says:


I kiss her lips and ask, in an innocent tone: "Yes, sweetheart?"

"You know I can pay for my stuff right?"

"And you know I want to spoil you, right?"

"Yeah, that's true." She says, kissing my lips. I take the order and lead her to a table for two. As we're sitting down, Foxy takes the chocolate croissant in her hand and looks at me happy.

"Open your mouth." She says. I chuckle, knowing what she might do.

"No, Foxy. I'm not doing it."

She laughs and insists: "Babe, you can't come in Paris and don't try out a croissant. It's just sad. Open your mouth."

I roll my eyes amused and do as she said. She comes with the croissant to my mouth and I take a bite. Foxy stares at me with her eyes big, ready to hear my impression. I can't say I love it. I'm not the biggest chocolate fan. Yet, Foxy looks at me so hopeful that I can't just ruin her happiness. I smile and pretend it's my new favorite food. She smiles at me knowingly and proud and says:

"I knew you'd like it. It's one of my favorite food ever."

I nod, yet my mind immediately wonders to her eating strawberries. And I have to smirk.

"In that case, Foxy. It's all yours." I reply. She tries to protest, yet in the end she takes it. And damn. Good choice.

"What will you eat?" She asks me. I stare at the still four croissants lying on the plate and she chuckles. Although I already know I'm not a croissant fan, I have a few bites to please her. She smiles at me the whole time.

"What is your favorite food?" She asks me interested. I stop to think about it and don't know what to answer. After a while, I get an idea.

"Apples, I guess."

"Apples?!" She asks me shocked. I nod, reminding myself how much I love those fruit.

"Is there a problem?" I ask. She doesn't respond, only gives me a side-eye.

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