Chapter 48

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It's two hours after the big break that I get Foxy's messages.

HER: Hey, babe.

HER: I need to tell you something....

Although I can't see her right now or hear her voice, I know something has happened.

ME: Foxy, are you alright?

No answer.

ME: Sweetheart, are you hurt?

No answer.

I can't have it anymore so I call her. She answers at the first ring.

"Foxy..." I begin and panic even more as I hear her sigh. She must be crying. And I hate it when she cries. I hate it when she's hurting.

"Alec..." she answers, and it immediately becomes clear she's crying. Her voice is shaking.

"Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong. Tell me what happened. How can I help you?"

"I'm on my way to Cordelia right now." She answers. I almost choke. Cordelia?! She was here a few hours ago.

"Why?" I ask, hoping to get some answers.

"Karl screwed up. Big time." She begins, and then bursts out in a cry. I whisper words to calm her down, yet nothing seems to work. After a while, she carries on: "If things don't get better, then it's me who becomes queen."

I freeze. I know how much she would hate the fact to be queen. She told me that herself many times. Every time she did, my heart broke in pieces.

"That won't happen, Foxy." I whisper to her, trying to ease the pain. "That won't happen."

"How can you be sure?" She asks from the end of the line. I tense, knowing I can't promise her anything. All I can do is try to make her believe in hope.

"Because I know it. I simply believe it. You'll come back to me, you'll come home, and you'll open the gallery you wanted."

The moment I mention her art gallery, I hear her chuckle.

"You really think so?" She asks. I nod, although she can't see me. She must have felt it, since she starts to chuckle again.

"I'll do anything I can to be able to come back to you. I'll do anything I can, to make sure we can live our lives together, unbothered by the palace." She replies.

I smile.

That's my girl.

"I believe you, Foxy." I answer, wiping a tear from my eye. "Knock'em dead, sweetheart."

She chuckles and hangs up.

I'm left standing there on the sidewalk, hoping destiny is on our side.

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