Chapter 6 - Creature

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Legion, his men and I left the lake behind, continuing our journey to his kingdom after the sudden urgency to leave, which still has me confused.

The naked landscape has turned into the familiar snowy terrain that I'm so used to again, but thankfully not before the sun dried me. As I trudge through the deep snow, the tension between Legion and me is palpable. Legion is more serious than ever, a different type of serious than I've seen before, and I am too embarrassed to speak yet again. We walk in silence for hours, the only sound being the crunching of snow under our feet.

A mix of emotions have been stirring within me for some hours now, anger at myself for letting my body react the way it did, fear of the unknown, and an attraction to Legion that still seems to linger.

Legion is the man who uprooted my life and forced me on this journey yet part of me is still happy that I went with him, a part that I wish to suffocate. I comfort myself however with the fact that it is most likely exclusively due to the bond playing tricks with my body.

He is so stubborn and so frustratingly confident in his actions, it is infuriating. And yet, there is something about him that intrigues me. Something that makes my heart race when I catch a glimpse of his stoney features, or feel his warm hand on my lower back. But again, I blame the bond.

Legion has seemed on edge ever since the lake, glancing over his shoulder every now and then as if he senses something behind us. His abnormal behavior also has me on edge and I can't help but to look over my shoulder as well. Whenever I look around though I can't see anything out of the ordinary, but the hairs on the back of my neck stand up regardless, and a chill runs down my spine as if something is in fact wrong, yet nothing appears to be. Perhaps Legions behavior has tainted mine beyond control.

Legion is staying painfully close to me while walking for the first time since we left my village, not letting me fall behind a single time despite my efforts. As we walk, Legion's broad shoulders brush against mine, sending shivers through my body. I try to ignore the sensations, but I understand now that I can't help the way my body responds to him, especially since the lake.

"Do you feel it?" he asks, his voice low.

"Feel what?" I wonder if he also feels the shivers as our bodies brush.


At his words I remember the hairs on my neck and ignore my attraction to Legion. I look around again, still seeing nothing, but I can't shake the feeling of being watched and Legion's close proximity isn't helping as it only makes my heart race faster.

"Yes." I respond feeling a sense of panic rise in me.

"Stay close." Legion replies.

My heart is racing and my palms are sweating. I don't know what this so called danger is, but I know it isn't anything I want to get familiar with, particularly because of Legions behavior.

We continue walking, faster now, his men alert, two in front and two behind.

My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The sense of danger is rushing in my blood and the sensation makes me want to shift as to protect myself, I know I'm strong enough for most danger. And also the feeling of wanting Legions protection but not wanting anything to do with him at the same time.

I can feel the weight of the imminent danger imposing on us with each step I take. Every instinct in me screams to be cautious, to remain vigilant, but my eyes betray me. They wander, against my will, towards him- Legion.

He stands there, with a sharp and attentive gaze, as if he can sense the danger lurking in every shadow. I should also check the shadows, yet I find myself unable to tear my eyes away from him.

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