Chapter 20 - Deadly

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I was snuggled up to something warm when I started regaining consciousness. My eyelids didn't want to open so I simply crept closer to the warmth, it wasn't until this warmth stirred beneath me that my eyes sprung open.

I turned my head very very slowly to see what I was laying on but I already knew the answer before I saw the sharp planes of Legions face. I froze in place, taking in the events from last night leading up to this vulnerable position.

His chest rose and fell in a steady manner, his very naked, and sculpted, chest might I add. Turning my head again, still slowly as to not wake him, now mortified of what I might find or worse, what I might not find.

I let out an exhale as his lower half was clothed thankfully. I too had on a soft nightgown but then the question quickly arose, how did I get into the nightgown?

I tried my hardest to recall last nights events but the last thing I remember was Legions body pressing me against the wall and then dark. My head felt dizzy from all the thinking or maybe it was being this close to Legion, either way I made a plan to get up as gently as possible. That way I could escape before Legion would wake up.

I lifted my head and the rest of my body followed, though it was a slow process as Legions breath hitched as I began pulling away. I gritted my teeth and stopped moving, this wasn't as easy as I had hoped.

Once his breathing became normal again, I moved once more, slowly but surely creating distance between us. When our bodies were completely separated I began my next step, which was to leave the bed fully but just as my legs went to make the first move a force pulled me back down, embracing me from behind.

"Where are you going?" His voice was husky in my ear, the type of voice that hadn't yet been used for the day. "Can't have you running off doing who knows what like yesterday."

A painful memory of me dancing for everyone to see slipped through the fog in my mind. My heart did an odd jump at his touch and oxygen immediately became scarce. It frustrated me how easily he could affect me. "I was just getting up for the day." My voice was breathy and not believable at all.

"Really? I could've sworn it seemed like you were trying to sneak out." His breath was hot on my ear and I shuddered at the closeness of him. He had pulled my body into a tight embrace, pressing my back tightly into him and his mouth was a mere pins length away from my ear. His hard arms were wrapped around my torso in a secure hold and I wondered if he could feel the blood pulsating through my body trying to make due with the oxygen he had yet to rob me from.

His words took a moment to sink in but when they did I remembered that I was angry with him. Very angry. "It wouldn't be any different from what you did yesterday." I tried to sound as composed as possible to drive the point across, key word being tried. "Now I just need to forget about your existence and we'll be equal."

Legions hand shot up to my face within a second, grabbing ahold of my chin and turning my face towards his. A gasp escaped my lips and an electric feeling spread from his touch. "I could never forget about you." His eyes were dark with anger and... something else, but what?

"Need I remind you what you do to me?" His gaze bore into me and I bit my lip too nervous to speak.

The action seemed to physically hurt Legion as he closed his eyes in agony for a moment, while taking a deep breath to steady himself. I felt the rise of his chest against my back and a shiver ran down my spine. Although we were as close as we could get, part of me wanted to be even closer, especially now as I was frustrated with him. What scared me was that I didn't know just how big that part was. The feelings were undiscovered, unexplored and all that stood between was a thin wall. It was, oh so tempting to simply reach out and push just a tiny bit. It would be enough to break it, I was sure of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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