Chapter 8 - Bittersweet arrival

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It's the last day of our journey and I'm still slightly alert with every step I take. We have not seen more of the creature, or others for that sake, but an eerie unease still lingers and I often catch myself glimpsing over my shoulder or jumping at even the smallest sound. When I'm not on the lookout for creatures, I'm starting into the empty space. Today has been quite uneventful so far.

Surprisingly, the previous day seemed to pass by in a blur, unlike the others. Perhaps it's because I had gotten into the rhythm of things or maybe it was the newfound surge of energy I gained after the moment I shared with Legion during my night terrors. After the incident I could piece together that the awful imagery must have caused me to whimper out loud in my dreamy state and as Legion took notice of it, he came to my side. We still haven't talked about it, in fact we still don't talk much, however the silence hasn't been as frigid like it usually is. We share words every now and then, like when I need food or water, which is still more words than normally.

I wanted to say more yesterday or thank him or something, but the day ended before I could gain the courage. That night also passed by in a blink. As I fell asleep I felt at ease and I wasn't visited by more haunting imagery thankfully. I hadn't even fought the idea of laying next to Legion's wolf; I was, of course, hesitant as always, but the reality of things were that I was eager for the warmth and comfort he brought.

But there was one image that stuck with me, despite the lack of violence, like the other visions had possessed— the image of Aaron. My day yesterday had also been preoccupied by worries about him. I kept wondering how he was doing, if he was okay and if he even cares that I'm gone. Aaron isn't just any friend, he's my best friend and also the only friend I've ever truly had. And now one question hangs over me, will I ever see him again?

Back in the village I was somewhat of an outcast, which to be fair was probably my own doing. I had this fear of getting too close to people, knowing that it would only bring them one step closer to discovering my horrible curse. However, Aaron was relentless, he refused to let me off the hook so easily. He persisted until I finally realized that Aaron was the kindest soul to ever exists, and as we grew up together and he became a man, he still remained the kindest. Simply being near him was enough to cheer me up but now I might never see him again. I can't let that happen though, I refuse to die without having hugged Aaron again.

A weary sigh escapes my lips as I continue moving with the group, Legion and me still walking next to each other. His men are now all in their human form and although it means reduced protection I also find it somewhat comforting, as that must mean that there's less danger. We're also no longer moving up steep roads or straight ones, we are moving down and I can finally sense an end to this journey.

As if having read my thoughts Legion breaks the silence. "By the end of today, we shall arrive at my kingdom."

I keep my gaze fixed ahead, not bothering to meet his eyes, and continue my empty staring into the air at nothing in particular. "About time." I retort.

Legion chuckles lowly as if concealing his amusement from me. "And had we traveled around the mountains there would've been even more days left."

"But likely safer," I shoot back, my words carrying a hint of defiance.

"Perhaps, but less efficient." His voice is still tinted with some amusement.

I can't help but to roll my eyes. It's always about efficiency with this man.

"You know how I feel about your habit of rolling your eyes." Legion says, his voice now lacking amusement and instead coated with authority.

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes again, I take a deep breath, recognizing the opportunity to use our conversation more productively. Perhaps I can even squeeze in a thank you, if I play my cards right.

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