Chapter Fourteen

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"You paged me?" I ask Wyatt as I walk up to the nurses station.

Wyatt was only supposed to be a temp but we were understaffed and he proved to be a good qualified nurse so they offered him a permanent position and he took it.

"Yeah, there's someone here for you." He replies pointing behind me.

I turn to see Diego in the waiting room, talking to a beautiful dark haired girl who looks vaguely familiar.

"Thank you." I nod at Wyatt and approach Diego.

He looks up when I get closer, a smile gracing his face.

"Hannah." He greets getting up to hug me.

"Hi Diego. What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" I ask looking at him concerned.

"No I'm okay. I stopped by at your place but you weren't home so I figured that you were here at work. I have a delivery for you." He replies.

He reaches into his jacket and retrieves a familiar envelope. My heartrate increases because I know exactly what it is.

"I gave Santiago your letter yesterday and he asked me to bring you this. I got back pretty late so I couldn't deliver it that's why I'm here so early." He explains handing me the letter.

"Thank you." I nod at him.

Santiago's name, mine and our addresses are inscribed on the top in his beautiful handwriting. I can't wait to read what he said to me considering things aren't so good between us but I pocket it instead. It'll have to wait till later.

"Anytime. Anyway now that my job is done, I've got to take my girl Sofia out for breakfast." Diego informs me motioning to the girl next to him.

She gets up and stands by his side. Sofia is gorgeous with long dark hair, clear Mexican features and straight white teeth accompanied by a charming smile.

"Hi Sofia, I'm Hannah." I introduce since Diego slacks on doing that.

"It's nice to meet you." Sofia replies politely.

"You mentioned going out for breakfast?" I ask Diego.

"Yeah, we both have to work later so we spend time together in the morning." He answers.

"How about I treat you to breakfast here at the hospitals cafe. I promise that the food is good and I won't stay long, we'll just catch up and I'll leave you to your breakfast date." I suggest.

"We wouldn't want to intrude. It's clear that you're working." Diego counters.

"It's a slow morning and I'm due for my break as I just worked all night." I assure him.

"I'm okay with it if you are." Diego says to Sofia.

"A free breakfast, let's do it. Hannah can also tells me all the fun things about her profession." Sofia replies.

"Awesome, right this way. Sofia are you interested in studying medicine?" I ask her leading the way to the cafeteria.

"Yes I've wanted to become a doctor ever since I was in middle school." She replies.

"What field?" I inquire further.

"Pediatrics." She answers making me smile.

"Wow, that's great. My best friend is a pediatrician. If you're not in a hurry I can introduce you to her and she'll answer all your questions." I suggest.

"Oh my God! Really?" Sofia exclaims.

"Of course but she's in surgery right now, should be out in about minutes so why don't we eat first and I'll text her to meet us at the cafeteria once she's done." I express.

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