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Another journey has ended and before we say goodbye to Santiago and Hannah I would like to say something. I write because I love it, because I am talented, because this is my gift. As I was writing this book I let you readers influence what I put down on text and I didn't like that very much. The most controversial thing was Hannah's friend group especially Jada. I got so many requests to write her off but here's the thing she was my character, I wrote her, imperfections and all to show that friend groups can be flawed. Friends who love us and want what's best for us sometimes don't know that's not what we want at the time but with love and a little patience they learn.

I'm not into defending my characters to my readers but Jada didn't deserve the hate that she got from you guys when all she was trying to do was be a good friend to her grieving best friend. She came around eventually to loving Hannah right and I just wish you guys would have given me and her the chance to prove you guys wrong before you judged and threw stones.

Okay I'm done ranting... To my nice commenters, I'm sorry I just had to get that out. I had a hard time writing the final chapters because the hate comments just kept coming. Please be nice, I don't get paid enough, actually I don't get paid at all to put up with all this....

Through all that I appreciate your love and support as we say goodbye to this book. We are at 98K reads which is the most reads a book I've just completed has ever had. Thank you for showing me and MAMI all your love and support. I thank you for the reads, votes, comments and messages requesting updates that kept me going. I appreciate you all so much more than you will ever know.

I knew that if I put this Authors note at the bottom not many will read it but those who have have been rewarded by a final update. Goodbye for now, I'll see you guys in the next book but for now enjoy this last chapter of MAMI.

Huge announcement at the end!!! Don't miss it!!



Santiago sits at the edge of the bed and watches Hannah sleep knowing he needs to leave soon but he can't bring myself to move. There is a bag packed at his feet and he is fully dressed and yet he sticks around. Waking up and getting ready without waking Hannah up was easy since she's a heavy sleeper, the leaving is the hard part but a necessary one.

He checks the time on the alarm clock and it's ten minutes to midnight.

"Time to go." He whispers to himself pocketing his phone.

Santiago lays a lingering kiss on Hannah's forehead and covers her so her arms aren't a cold. They haven't slept apart since the night a kidnapping but he knows its a necessary sacrifice.

Hannah stirs but she doesn't wake up. She blindly reaches for him making him smile at how cute she is. Even in her sleep she seeks him out. He gives her his pillow which she buries her face in, takes in a deep satisfied breath and keeps on sleeping undisturbed.

"See you tomorrow mami." Santiago whispers kissing her once more.

He picks up his bag and leaves the room closing the door gently behind him.

"She still asleep?" Jada who's scrolling through her iPad in the living room asks him when he walks in.

"Yeah, why aren't you asleep?" Santiago asks her.

"Had to make sure you leave on time. Speaking of, get out. I say that with utmost love." Jada replies with a smirk.

Santiago rolls his eyes at Jada having gotten used to her quirks over the months that they have known each other.

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