Chapter Twenty Three

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Whoever chose McKinley to clean FCI up after the last dickhead warden had hit a nail on the head. The newly appointed warden had gone easy on us the first few months giving us a chance to prove him wrong but ever since we rioted under his command he was done playing nice. Now we have count at the top of every hour, multiple bed checks at night, less privileges, no visitation and the slightest altercation lands one in solitary confinement with no discussion. Everyone is on their best behaviour walking on eggshells around each other putting the whole prison in a fucking tense mood.

I am not sure how to feel about it but I have always been on my best behavior so it's not a problem sticking to McKinleys new rules. My biggest problem is getting Julius and his big mouth to behave. The kid is a walking disaster and it's taking a lot of effort to get him to act right.

"I'm starving." The small devil groans in protest next to me.

"You just had lunch." I retort.

"An hour ago and its already gone after all this work." He laments scrubbing soot off a wall with steel wool.

As one of the many forms of punishment for the riot McKinley is making us renovate the run down parts of the prison including the burnt down cell block Hannah and I had spent the night in during the riot. He didn't care if we had work in other parts of the prison, everyone had to do their bit. As soon as I was done with my shift in the kitchen, I came here directly after lunch. I would work till dinner breaking my back in this hell hole.

"So which cell did you and Hannah stay in?" Julius asks.

The little fucker had managed to get details out of me about that night but I trusted him enough to keep his mouth shut. I jutted my chin towards the cell at the end of the row looking at it sadly. Three weeks had passed and I missed Hannah. We hadn't been able to talk since my last phone call to her the morning after the riot because the call room was closed, another punishment from McKinley. I missed my girl so much it hurt. Now that we had spent time together, I wanted her more than ever. I needed to feel her lips on mine again, her in my arms, hug her, touch her, feel her soft skin on mine. I was losing my mind not being able to talk to her. I needed to hear her voice so bad but that wasn't possible and I hated it.

"You seriously have a lot of making up to do if that's the room you spent your first night together in." Julius declares.

I scoff at his smartass remark, "Who died and made you a relationship expert?"

"It's common sense dude. Hannah is gorgeous, smart and so kind. She deserves better than some brunt down cell in a prison scared for her life."

My hard glare immediately finds Julius' eyes. He flinches as if I've hit him which takes all my will not to.

"And you think I don't know that?" I grit out.

Julius shrugs taking a step back. "Sorry boss, just saying."

"You say too much. Now shut up and get scrubbing before I stuff this steel wool down your throat." I threaten.

Julius blanches at the seriousness in my tone and scurries away from me getting back to work.

He thinks I don't already know that Hannah is a queen who deserves the world. I've known that from the moment Darius told me about his charming baby sister. Getting to talk to her and finally meet her has only cemented that fact further. I have so much to make up for which includes a proper first date as soon as I am out.

I have the money, I bust my ass off working for the gang for more than a decade. I've saved up enough to live comfortably for the rest of my life and take care of my loved ones. If Diego didn't get that scholarship I would have been able to pay for his education without a problem.

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