Chapter 6

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"Here, sign these papers, hijabi," Saad said while boring his eyes on her face, which glowing in the dark, he felt something in his cold stone heart, that he never felt before.

His heart pounded with an intense desire to shield this delicate girl from the malevolent world, a world she was far too good for. He yearned to imprison her concealed beauty within the confines of his room and embrace her eternally, never allowing her to slip from his grasp. An odd and obsessive attraction brewed within him, like an unstoppable force that consumed his thoughts and desires.

That's why he came up with this idea- contract marriage.

Sheza, in that moment, experienced a profound numbness that rendered her unable to think. His sudden declaration had a disorienting effect on her, driving her to the brink of madness.


"I said sigh here," Saad said sternly with dark eyes goring her teary red ones.

"N~o," she shuttered...

"You have to, Darling,"

"No, I will not," she cried out with pain in her heart.

"Well, if you didn't, your family won't be alive, babes," he smirked and snapped his finger, a guard came with a laptop and put it on a table and turn it toward Sheza's orientation.

The screen shows many guards with a big gun roaming around the house, and then she saw her sister on the balcony and guards honing their guns toward her.

Her eyes widened and shook her head at the anticipated.

Saad humorously chuckled and indicated the guard to leave the laptop there only,

"Now... Now, what do you say? Darling, gonna sign or not," with that, he laughed like a manic and Sheza sobbed loudly.

"I-i w-will s-sign, please let them live freely,"
Sheza said while looking down and thought
Even if I have to give up my freedom a sacrifice.

With that, she signed the papers and caged herself in the beast mansion forever and sacrificed her remaining freedom, she left her faith, and her destiny to Allah and signed those papers with a heavy heart.

With a heavy heart, she placed her signature upon the papers, sealing her fate and committing herself to the ominous beast mansion for all eternity. She surrendered her last shreds of freedom, placing her trust and destiny in the hands of Allah. The weight of this decision pressed upon her, a bittersweet and irrevocable choice that would alter the course of her life.

She handed the papers to him, who laughed and she cried.

"Well, congratulations, Mrs Sheza Saad Junaid Khan," he congrats her and she felt that he was mocking her vulnerability.

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