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It's after 2 am and in stumbles a drunk Alek.

"Really bro?" Cory whispers as he literally catch him before he falls on his face. "This is how your choosing to deal with your issues, going out getting wasted? Mind you only turned 18 not 21 and to top this fact that your drunk as fuck right now, you were also driving, your car is now partially on the front lawn....Liberty baby." He calls his wife who was sitting up with him while he has been waiting for his brother to come home.

"Ya honey." She answers.

"Can you take his keys and park his car." 

She takes his keys and goes out to park his car in front of the house. The two were there for Alek birthday and for Christmas. What took Cory by surprise is finding out that his brother and Cassie has called it quits due to the fact that she is pregnant. Once he found this out he seen why his brother is now acting the way he has been. He has not seen Cassie in weeks, the two who share a close birthday was suppose to celebrate it together, but since the breakup Alek has not seen nor spoken to Cassie. He tried getting her parents to let him know where she is but they are not sharing when it comes to their daughter's whereabouts. 

"Come-on man I know you want to say it." Alek slurs out.

"Say what? What are talking about?" Cory ask him tossing him onto the couch.

"Call me an asshole for how I treated Cassie after I found that she is carry my kid. I know for a fact that what mom and dad thinks of me. She no longer live at home, she stop coming to classes so I don't even get to see her at school. She also stop answering my calls, has block me from all her social media apps, I can't even say hi to her. Look at me man!" He actually yell at this brother. "All I was telling her is that we are to young right now, our dreams should come first....OH! No, wait I also accused her trying to trap me." As he is saying this to his brother out loud he begin to space out. "Man I'm such a fucking asshole, she's better off without me. Think about it....I'm going to have a person out there that look like me, maybe even act like me.... HAhaha!" He starts laughing.

Cory who is worrying about his brother is now looking at Alek like he has really flipped out. "What's so funny? Mine clueing me in on the joke."

"The kid is going to be so much like me, meaning I'm rid of her but she will never be rid of me."

As he is listening to his brother's stupidity, Liberty comes in and lets him know that she is going to bed for the night, giving him back his car keys.

"Thanks baby, promise I'll be up there in just a few."

"No take your time, he really needs you, all that your seeing right now is pain and regret and your mom and me are going tree shopping tomorrow so you are free." Liberty tell her husband, feeling so bad for Alek who seem to not know how to take his shoe out his mouth.

"Bro, my bad am I cock blocking you right now? Hope not....A matter of fact you should go but don't be stupid, remember to wrap it up." Alek say nudging his brother off the couch.

"You are an asshole it seem when your drunk. When you do sober up, along with a hell of a first hangover, your going to hate all this shit that is coming out your mouth right now." 

"I don't know about that, she said fuck me, really....I'm saying fuck her, for not wanting to hear me out, shutting the door in my face, fine it will take me some time to move on feelings wise, but okay I get it I will let her go since that is what she wants."

KINCAID'S CHRONICLES- BOOK TWO BROKENWhere stories live. Discover now