Chapter 7 | Opening Up

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Scarlett pov

I've heard everything y/n told rose and i keep on seeing a child in her which doesn't even bother me but makes me sad

Rose finally calmed down and walked her way out again to play while i sat beside y/n

"You hate him too? You also want to talk?" She asked sarcastically making me laugh as i fix my sit

"Why are you doing this?" I asked looking directly at her eyes

"Doing what?" She innocently responded

"Being a good friend to the kids and all the efforts and yknow... I hope you understand...i wouldn't handle seeing them getting attached to someone again and that someone ends up just leaving them as they always do.." i sigh

"You know it's crazy to me... I didn't even notice that" she mumbled

"What do you mean? "

" I feel like i can relate to rosie and.. I'm unconsciously trying my best to protect her and.... every time i see them smile.. it felt like i was healing" she stated underneath her breath

It was already dark outside and while everyone is cleaning up we're just having our conversation

"But don't worry, i don't have bad intentions towards them" she added

"I know that... I'm just making sure.. yknow mom things"

"Hmm... Yeah" she looked lost hearing me say that as she swallowed thickly

"I heard what you said to Rose about your family would be lighter if you get it off your chest" i says holding her hand squeezing it in a comforting way

"Uhm...i was always been afraid that when people finds out I'm into women they get uncomfortable and abandon me... I don't know how i said it to you easily before" she stated

"Maybe you just feel safe....So uhm...yknow I'd be your y/n right now... I'd comfort you" i smiled at her

"Mom things?" She chuckled

"Yeah, mom things" i laughed playfully rolling my eyes

"Not you filling up my mommy issues" she mumbled looking down trying to hide her laugh as she figet her fingers making me hide my face on her bicep and also just laugh

"I can be your mom if you want to, i can adopt you" i sarcastically says

"No thanks, that's not how i want to get your last name.. I'd rather wife you up to be honest" she stated playfully

" Am i not too old for you? " I asked just going with the flow

" You see i find it disgusting that leo dates like girls on their 20's.... But if you see me with Scarlett Johansson please mind your own business" she sassily says doing hand gestures

" Okk you're getting us off the topic" i complained

" Oh.. thought i already got you lost from there"

" Come on... it's nice being the one comforted sometimes instead of always being the one who comforts"

" Careful, i fall in love easily especially if it's a pretty lady " she mumbles

" Come onnn " i chuckled

" Okkk, what do you wanna know? " She asks

" How long did you start acting? Did you study it? Because you seemed talented" i shrugged

" Thankgod right? " She scrunched her nose

" Stop ittt, just answer...please? I'm genuinely curious about you"

She fixed her sit or more on got comfortable before releasing a heavy breath

"uhm..i started acting just a year ago and no i didn't study it i have a different degree" she says making me actually get shocked

"You won 5 academy awards in 1 year experience of acting" i huffed

"I'll tell you a secret.... I just slept with the picker of the winners" she playfully whispered winking

"Stop that, ok uhm how'd you got here in US? I kinda hear a different accent" i shrugged

"Uhm.. i skipped 2 years in college...i accelerated from first to forth year...i graduate as a valedictorian.." she started, i don't get it. She's smart, she's achieved a lot but she looks so beaten up by them

"after my graduation day...i immediately found work at an office and there was just this one day where i had the courage to come out to my family...they told me how much of a disgrace i was, i felt like they were disgusted...they kicked me out of the house and yeah... Basically abandoned me" she sighs looking down

" How'd you get here? " I asked softly

" I had enough money to fly here and worked temporary at a cafe while i look for a new office agent approach me while I'm working and offered me to be extras on some of their films.. the producers discovered me and yeah the acting projects just went on and on and on"

"you does do a lot of films" i mumbled

"Hm hmm.. its a distraction to me... When i act i don't really get my mind off of my real life and so i just keep on working till all i can just think at the end of the day is to get rest.. "

"you've achieved a lot...and yknow every moms loves their children...have they tried reaching out to you? I mean you're a pride of your country at this point"

" No..she hasn't"

" Ok.. what about you try? Maybe she feels like you don't wanna talk to her"

" I at least 5-6 times a month...they still won't acknowledge my existence" she forced a chuckle

I just wrapped my arm around her shoulder rubbing her bicep comforting her as i guide her to rest her head on me

"I'm proud of you..." I mumbled before feeling her lose her guard as she started sniffing quietly

"I know you probably don't hear that a lot from People who you actually craved to say that to you.." i sighs

" But i also know i mean something to you because i know for a fact that I'm your god... So I'm proud of you" i added changing the ambiance hearing her chuckle

" means a lot.."

"no... thankyou for sharing these to me"

"we can also share my bed if you want" she hit her shot again still sniffing making me laugh to myself

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