Chapter 41 | bikinis

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Y/n pov

It's our second day now here and yeah i made Scarlett sleep in the other room..i don't trust myself..i just brushed my teeth, washed my face and goes directly downstairs..

Scarlett was already at the table eating some bread and coffee...i tilt my head looking at her that my tank top???

"Why are you wearing my uhm.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry, the clothes i brought were for winter vibes and i didn't realize how hot is it here... I mean yeah I'm sorry i didn't borrowed it properly and---"

"You look can keep it" i cut her off smiling just staring as she nodded biting her lips looking away

I sat beside her while she's still facing the other way for some reason and i don't know what it is

"Where do you wanna go today?" I mumbled as i stood up to make my own coffee

"You wanna go out?"

"Do you? I mean I'm not gonna let you get bored here.. there's nothing to do in this house.. unfortunately"

"Oooh is there like a beach here?" She excitedly asked while i sat down again beside her

"I thought.. you only brought winter clothes?"

"Yeah but i think the lingerie i brou---uh.. the uhm.. i... i'll just go shopping here" she stopped herself and i just rested my elbow at the table covering my mouth by my palm trying to hide my smile

"You brought a lingerie?" I innocently asked taking a sip while she looked so panicky thinking of a reason

"N-No.. i.."

"We'll go shopping in an hour" i stood up shrugging.. yeah i wanted to give her a taste of panic but i don't want to make her uncomfortable

I just also started getting ready just putting on sweats to blend in the crowd... Tho that's impossible because obviously Scarlett is Scarlett so? Here we go ambush

After i got ready we both hopped in the car... Scarlett wanted to buy some ice creams tho so we went to this grocery store first

"Do you think we'll get noticed here? I feel like we're blending in like it's a piece of cake" Scarlett chuckled

"I mean.. i think i blend in coz yknow.. I was born i have the same features mostly as everybody.. but you.." i crossed my arms looking at her top to bottom

"What about me?"

"White" i nodded while she just laughed and threw the ice cream on me.

Her definition of blending in is wearing sunglasses, facemask and a bright yellow dress... Which looks absolutely gorgeous on her

"You look like the auntie who just got home from hawaii" i teased still annoying her while getting my wallet

She suddenly held my hand stopping me "my treat, i got you don't worry about it" she playfully says shaking her head paying

" I'm sorry, ma'am.. we only accept our currency" the cashier says.. she's paying with US dollars

Scarlett looked back at me pouting "can i do my job now? " I asked.. she just nodded still pouting grabbing the ice creams walk outside so straightly

"Your wife is so cute" the cashier chuckled

"She is" i smiled looking at Scarlett already eating in the car.. she even spilled it on her dress and i witnessed the tantrum it causes

After paying i went back to Scarlett seeing she's still trying to wipe off the stain "you ok, honey?" I playfully asked

"I'm ok, baby" she responded still seriously her natural actress instinct working on time

"You wanna go back to the house to change or we'll just gonna get you a new one before going at the swimwear shop so you can change?"

" Hmm no it's ok lets just go to the shop.. it's just a little stain" she shrugged.. and by a little i think she means a spoon full

"Is it weird that i want to kiss you right now?" I asked out of nowhere



"I said I'm wearing a shirt underneath This wanna cover up?"

" Uhm.. sure" she nodded smiling

I just started stripping while she phone suddenly rang in front of us both as i passed her my sweater

It was Scarlet.. she's been messaging and calling me these past few days and it's honestly creeping the shit out of me. She's sweat on the text messages but i don't think she understands what personal time means..

I even told her ones to already stop texting me coz I'm not using my phone and i don't like people waiting for my responses..but she still does it

"Why are you just looking at it? Answer i" Scarlett Forced a chuckle

"Hmm.. it's fine" i shrugged throwing my phone at the backseat

I started driving again but now towards the shop to get Scarlett some swimwear and I'll probably just sit around

After just few minutes we finally arrived.. what i remember loving about this store is the sales man and ladies will let you do your picking and finding alone and if you need assistance they're everywhere

Scarlett grabbed my bicep pulling me to the swimwear area "oh my god look!!" She pouted showing me a little swimsuit for babies

" want my babies?" I sarcastically says

"For koko!" She scoffed

"Those are for human, scar.. we'll get koko next time" i chuckled actually picking one for her

I found this deep red 2 piece and i can already picture Scarlett in it... it's really sexy but still conservative so i think she'll like it

I showed it to her and i think she's pretty much mesmerized by it "woah.. this fabric is so smooth" she nodded

"Oh.. you should also probably get this" i gave her those cover ups kind of thing

"You like your woman covered up?" She whispered hitting me by her elbow

"I'm yes"

"But what if i don't want to cover up?"

"Are you my woman?" I raised a brow, she threw a bikini on my face

Scarlett decides like a snap and that's what i honestly love about her..she made me hold like 6 bikinis and she's trying them one by one but she's pretty quick

"Can you come in for a sec?" She suddenly says

I came in and she's wearing the red one i chose while holding a black one... I'm stunned.. iam not processing who am i? Why am i here? Why am i sweating?

" I really love this one but i also love this black one" she stated looking at herself in the mirror

"you're gorgeous... "

" Hmm? " She looked up to me with a smile

"t-take them b-both.." i shaked my head trying to get out of here completely going on a full on gay panic.. i can here my own heartbeat..

I wasn't so successful at escaping, she grabbed my hand pulling me right back inside "hold onn, can you like fix the back? It's kind of uncomfortable..just trying to see if it's because i didn't put it properly" she mumbled turning around sweeping her hair away giving me a full view of her back

My hands are literally shaking just trying to fix this thing "hey... Are you ok? Did you took your meds?" Scarlett turned around to face me holding both my hands

"It's ok.." She sighs drawing circles on my palm

"y-you don't u-understand" i stutter

"I don't understand wha--" she asked but i couldn't take it anymore and just locked my lips with hers..

She immediately responded cupping my cheek while i pulled her by her waist harshly to get her body closer to me..

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