Chapter 1- Important?!

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(Tw- contains mention of

"Hurry up, she is here!"
The voice echoed in the building.

Everyone was startled and stood up in the blink of an eye.

Soon after, she entered.

Every employee bowed towards her. The whole building went silent as soon as she entered.

The only voice that could be heard was her heels tapping on the floor.

Her formal attire, long black skinny jeans, and a blue shirt folded till her elbows, while perfectly tucked in her jeans.

Her long, dark-brown hair was perfectly straightened. She was looking younger than her 24 years. She was like, the definition of perfection!

Employee - "Good morning, Ms. Y/n!" He bowed towards her.

She gratefully returned the bow, while the cold expression of hers was plastered on her face.

Everyone sat down as soon as she was out of sight.


Y/n- "So, what's our schedule for today?" She asked her P.A, Lee Soo-Yun

SooYun- "Ma'am, we have a scheduled meeting with the CEO of Dior at 2:00 p.m. That's it."

Y/n- "That's it? We had a few more meetings too, didn't we?" She said while the cold expression never left her face.

SooYun- "Ma'am, your parents have cancelled all the other meetings. They said they have something important to talk to you about."

"Parents." Y/n chuckled internally.
She was ashamed to call them her parents.

Yes, she hated them. Why won't she? They changed her life completely. They are the reason why, she attempted su!c!de, not once but many times


It was afternoon. The sun was blazing hot. The room was dead silent. Only the ticking of the clock could be heard.

"3:38" y/n blurted out.

The bright rays of the sun were directly falling on y/n's face. Her face shined brighter because of the sun's rays.

But there she was, sitting on her desk blankly, SooYun's words still echoing in her head.

Y/n pov-

"Parents" "They have something important to talk to you"

She held her hair in frustration.

Y/n- "AHHH!! WHY!? Why have you both returned to my life!?" She screamed internally.

She has been staying separately since she completed college because of her father's verbal abuse.

"You're nothing but a nuisance."

"Don't forget that you live in MY house and I pay for everything you have, even these clothes for covering your body."

Those hurtful words remained as a core memory. You tried your best to forget, but couldn't.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard someone knocking on the door of your cabin

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