Chapter 42- Destiny (End/ Epilogue)

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A/n pov

He collapsed on you, panting heavily, as you were still quivering. He smiled to himself and rolled to the side and smiled looking at you.

He looked at your face which was completely red and ecstatic. He scooted you closer and brushed off some strands of hair from your face, revealing your beautiful brown orbs to him.

Tae- " D...did I...hurt you?"
He said noticing the tear in your eyes.

You didn't hear him, you were still in a daze trying to process what the fuck just happened. But once you did, you burst out into tears while hugging him tightly.

You hugged him as if he would disappear if you let him go, while he quietly caressed you while hugging you back, his expressions filled with worry.

Tae- "I...I'm sorry babygirl...I'm very sor-"

Y/n- " you... T...tae, I love you!"
You whispered in between your sobs.

Y/n- "I love you soo much, and I will never ever leave you, I promise!"
You looked up at him and saw he too, had a lone tear in his eye.

Y/n- "Promise me you won't leave me either."
You cupped his face and wiped the tear away, him doing the same.

Tae- "I promise."
He smiled at you showing his pearl teeth, making you smile softly.

He got up and made you sit on the bed and you, still overwhelmed by everything, went with whatever he was doing.

He picked his hoodie up and made you wear it, and it fit you perfectly, reaching til your mid-thighs. He himself put his boxers and trousers on and you both dozed off after murmuring to each other.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

You woke up the next day wincing in pain. He laughed at you at first for being horny, but then lovingly carried you to the bathroom and you both had your first shower together.


A whole month had passed. A lot happened in that single month. So much, that you named it, 'The Month of Blessings.'

The first thing that happened was that Jennie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Everyone was blissed hearing the pleasant news.

They named the girl 'Min Jia' as suggested by Hobi. Jia means wisdom and elegance, which, all of you blessed the new baby to be.

The funny thing was though, that you couldn't tell whom the baby looked like. Of course, she had cat eyes and a gummy smile. But both the parents have it, then who gets the win here? Guess they'll see when she grows up.

Another thing that happened was that Jimin introduced his girlfriend, Ava to everyone and made it official.

This news too, made you almost cry. You knew Ava was a great match for Jimin. She is caring, smart, and also very adorable and loyal. Though you still didn't have faith in Soowook, you knew she wouldn't betray anyone.

Also, Namjoon got engaged to Narae, and in a few weeks, they would get married. After being with her for almost 8 months, you got to know her greatly.

She was smart, as per Namjoon's liking. But she was very introverted. She didn't talk much at first, but then, when she opened up to all of you, you knew she was an amazing person. Perfect for Namjoon.

But the event that affected you the most was, your parents. You got a lot closer with them. When Jimin introduced his girlfriend to everyone, he invited everyone for dinner, including your parents.

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