Chapter 27- Disneyland

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A/n pov

"Things I want to do with my future lover."

You giggled looking at the oddly familiar paper. You remembered how your grandma made you promise her that you would live a happy life with your future lover/husband.

And you were happy with him.

You read further, hoping to get more memories from the past. But instead, the smile on your lips dropped drastically. The paper flew out from your hand and landed somewhere.

"How can he...?"

You then recalled keeping all your old diaries and papers in one of your desk drawers. You opened all of them and found your diary there. Both old and new ones.

You remembered shoving your diary onto the couch and then forgetting about it. You were now sure it was him who moved it there.

You didn't feel like going there with him now. You felt like he was pitying you for having such a bad past and that he didn't actually care for you.

You felt your throat and eyes burning. You threw all the clothes in the bag, not in the mood at all and slept early since you were leaving the next morning.


The next day, you had your breakfast early and didn't talk to him at all. He just let it go, thinking it wasn't a big deal.

You were going by a private jet, which was very big with several rooms. You went to the airport by car, which he was driving.

He thought you would jam to the songs along with him since you're music taste is very similar, but you didn't. Which concerned him.

You reached the airport and boarded on your private jet, which was very spacious and big. You were in awe looking at the interior, that for some time, you forgot you were angry at him.

Tae- "Isn't it veryy nice?"
He has expected a cute reaction from you but got ignored instead.

You sat on one of the ivory couches, which was just as big as the one at your home. Taehyung too, sat beside you but before he could wrap his hand around you, you shifted making him puzzle.

Tae- "Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?"
He asked innocently.

You glared at him, not wanting to say anything. You didn't want to ruin the vacation and create a drama.

Y/n- "Nothing."
You controlled so badly. You wanted to cry, punch him and tell him you weren't dependent on him. That you didn't need anyone to be happy.

Tae- "You can tell me, baby-"
You had enough now.

Y/n- "Fine." You took a deep breath.
"You see, I found this."
You handed him the piece of paper from your purse.

The change of look on his face after you handed him the paper just deepened your anger. He read and the paper and smiled awkwardly.

Tae- "Oh...haha that's...that's cute. Why are you angry though?"

"The audacity."

Y/n- "You see, that paper was in my old diary. Which was in the last drawer of my desk. But, it magically flew over to the first desk. And guess where the paper was? It was literally in my cupboard, high up where my suitcases and bags were kept!"
You pretended to be surprised.

You saw how he was finding some reason to change the topic. But he knew there was no escape.

Tae- "I'm...I'm sorry y/n."
He gulped and bit his lip while his head hung low. You chuckled sarcastically.

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