Chapter 7:- Abhinav - Ayansh: A day well spent

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Aarushi's pov

"And....done!" She finally mailed the resignation letter and got onto her after-bath daily routine; getting ready, cooking breakfast, and doing Household chores.

Today one thing was different today she was genuinely happy. She doesn't have to go back to that Rajveer and Today she will visit the orphanage and meet the children there. Today she did all the work with a smile on her face, which surely irked Radhika.


Author's pov

Abhinav just took out his fresh clothes from the closet when he heard his room door open and close.

There stood our little Mehra, with his small towel and a toy rocket in his hand. Abhinav raised his brow questioningly at him.

"Papa I wan tu tak a bath with you. (Papa I want to take a bath with you)" he said and made his way to the bathroom, without waiting for his father's reply.

Abhinav was amused. THE Abhinav Mehra gives orders to others but did this little Mehra just gave orders to his papa?

Ayansh was in the bathtub (of course without clothes) and was playing with his toy rocket. This boy was seriously so obsessed with space. Even his whole room was spaced theme.

Abhinav removed his t-shirt and Ayansh's gaze fell on his well-toned body.


Abhinav looked at him.

"Yes, buddy?" Ayansh gestured him to come near him. Abhinav kneeled near him.

"Papa? Why do you have, tu, thlee, foul, fye, shiksh bocks?? And why I don hav?? (One, two, three, four, five, six blocks and why I don't have)" he touched his abs one by one while counting it on his little fingers and then he kept his hand on his small round tummy.

Abhinav laughed.

(Yesha:- Ayansh, you don't have to be this cute😩)

"Buddy, these are called abs and if you too want it then when you grow up, you have to do exercise daily and for that daily you have to wake up early." Ayansh just blinked his eyes.

He again kept his hand on his tummy and said..

"No, I don wan absh. I like my lound tummy. (No, I don't want abs. I like my round tummy)" Ayansh didn't liked the idea of getting up early and that too daily. It's okay, he will adjust with his small round tummy.

Abhinav knew very well that Ayansh doesn't like to wake up early and on top of that exercising was a big big no for him.

They both took a bath together, playing with bubbles, making beards with foam, and what not.

After a few minutes, at least that's what they thought but in reality, they were there inside for the past two hours. A knock, following with a voice was heard.

"What are you both even doing in there for the past two hours?? Are you both planning to spend the rest of the day there? Come out quickly or I will lock you both inside. " She scolded and both father and son shared a look.

"Papa Les go quicky. Dadi is vely angly. (Papa let's go Quickly. Dadi is really angry.)"
They both quickly finished taking a shower and got ready for breakfast.


Aarushi's pov

"These kids are soooo cute. I feel like adopting the whole orphanage." She thought while looking at the excited kids that had gathered around her as she was distributing chocolates to them.

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