Chapter 62:- Vivaan got caught

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Author's pov

Aarushi woke up lazily and streched her arms.

She felt cold and realised she wasn't wearing anything. She quickly covered herself with the quilt, as her lips curved up forming a smile as she remembered what happened last night and even in the morning.

She blushed unknowingly. She looked at the time and widened her eyes. 10:30 AM!!!! SHE WOKE UP LATE.

She quickly dashed towards the bathroom. (She had covered herself with the quilt and after reaching till the bathroom she threw the quilt on the couch🙃.)

"Oh! You are up. Come have your breakfast." Tripti said with a smile.

Aarushi was kind of embarrassed because she woke up late.
Everyone was awake and she was the last one to wake up.

"Mummy I am sorry that I woke up----" Before Aarushi could give an excuse, Tripti spoke.

"It's alright Aarushi. No need to be sorry. Abhinav had already informed me about you waking up late. Now sit and have your breakfast. You need energy." Tripti said with a smile and went back in the kitchen.

Aarushi was standing there like a statue. She was surprised.

"What did he told her? And
" you need energy" she said that because I am hungry........ Right? " Aarushi thought.

She would literally die out of embarrassment if Tripti meant something else.

"Excuse me madam! I told you to sit and have your breakfast." Tripti said appearing out of nowhere.

"And btw today we will cook your and Abhinav's favourite food for dinner." Tripti said while grinning and Aarushi found it really wierd.

"But...why so suddenly? " Aarushi asked as she took her seat.

"It's just that I am very happy today." Tripti said while patting Aarushi's head. Then she went back in the kitchen while smiling shyly.

Krish's pov

"Do it properly idiot." Tanya scolded me.

"Girl, this is the first time I am doing it. If you wanted it to be perfect then you should have told Abhinav only. I am trying hard to do it and on top of that I am also getting scolded." I said showing my childish anger.

"Whatever. Just do it now. You are literally taking hours." Tanya complained and I narrowed my eyes at her, giving her warning.

Abhinav entered my cabin and stood there surprised.

"What you both are doing? " Abhinav asked making us startled and because of that the nail paint got on Tanya's finger and she groaned.

"Arghhh!!!!  Leave it. I will do it by myself. Idiot." Tanya chided and twisted her lips at me and went out of my cabin, taking her precious nail paint.

"Drama queen." I commented.

"If you are done then pay attention on your work. Do it properly. There should be no mistake in the financial statements." Abhinav ordered while handing me some files and moved out of the cabin.

"What the fuck! Am I some puppet that I have to follow their lead? They always do this to me. Only my Aaru knows me very well. She is the best." I spoke to myself in childish anger.

I picked up my phone while grinning and video called Aarushi and I knew she would answer it and that happened.

"Hello Aaru!!! How are you?? " I chirped excitedly making her giggle.

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑎𝑘𝑒  ✅ Where stories live. Discover now