Chapter 3: Do You Need an Extra Jacket?

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Hehe kind of a filler but enjoy

Your POV

The walk to work this morning was extra foggy and misty, and I was extra tired given how little sleep I got last night. I got home at a reasonable time, around 10:30, and I should've knocked right out given the long hours of yesterday, but my mind was constantly on playback with the events of mocking that scene with Jenna. I felt ridiculous, gushing over something that was so trivial to her, but I physically couldn't help it. I was trying not to get my hopes up for something out of the ordinary like that to happen again, but being an optimist, I let myself daydream. I found myself smiling to myself until - shit, it's starting to rain. I was still 10 minutes from set, I didn't have an umbrella, and I didn't even have my hoodie today, just my crewneck.

"Ugh, fuck." I mutter to myself and pick up my pace. It's only lightly raining now but I can sense it starting to pick up with every passing moment, so I use my hands to try and shield my face from the slanted water.

"Hey!" I suddenly hear a small but familiar voice coming from a car to my right that had slowed down to match my pace. I turn and see a large, tinted SUV with a small, tan woman looking at me from the rolled down window.

I audibly groan in embarrassment before responding to none other than Jenna Ortega. "Um, hi!" I yell over the rain and wave to her then immediately go back to covering my face since the rain was really coming down now. My God this was humbling.

"Are you crazy? Get in this car right now!" She's half smiling, but her eyebrows are furrowed and her tone is dripping with concern.

"I- um- okay!" I was going to protest because I was not presentable at all right now, but that felt like the lesser of two evils compared to walking in the pouring rain. Plus I don't think Jenna was taking no for an answer judging by the look on her face. I check the street to make sure no cars are coming before jogging to the SUV and I see Jenna quickly move to the other side of the back seat so I can get into the side closest to me. Instantly feeling soothed by the car heater, it made me question if I really wanted to walk to work every time.

"Oh my God, thank you. It feels so good in here." I rub my hands together, both out of nerves and to warm myself up.

"Of course. Do you need an extra jacket?" Jenna starts to take her signature huge puffy jacket off but there's no way I'm letting her do that.

"Oh gosh, no. It's okay, I feel fine. Thank you, though." I assure her with a shy smile. I'm once again in close quarters with her and it was sending me into a spiral. I can see the freckles on her makeup-less face and I had to manually resist staring at her. She smiles and nods before readjusting the jacket back over her shoulders.

"Do you walk every day? They reimburse you for Ubers, you know." She was speaking in a concerned fashion, like she really wanted me to know in case I didn't.

"Yeah, I know. I really enjoy the serenity of the walk, though. It's nice to enjoy the scenery and listen to my podcasts." I don't know how I was keeping my cool right now but I was proud of myself for doing so.

"Oh, what podcasts do you listen to?" She asks and slightly turns her body towards me, signifying that I have her undivided attention. She was really good at that - making people feel important.

"A bunch of true crime stuff, mainly. My favorite is Mr. & Mrs. Murder. They're this husband and wife duo that do a really good job at dissecting the cases they cover."

"Shut up! That's my favorite too! Were you listening to the new one?" Her excitement makes me smile and suddenly I don't feel like I'm in the presence of Jenna Ortega, but just Jenna. Contrary to her intimidating demeanor, she was proving to be very easy to talk to.

"Yes! It's so good so far. It's crazy that I can listen to such brutal audio but I can't do scary movies." Jenna's face makes me laugh out loud. She's legitimately offended.

"Oh, we're going to have to fix that. Also, do you know what show you work on? It's not exactly sunshine and rainbows." I try not to read too much into the first part of her statement. Surely she was just making conversation.

"I know, I know. But Wednesday I can do. She's smart, and witty, and multifaceted even though she doesn't show it. She doesn't scare me, she intrigues me." The words flow out of my mouth without me even thinking about them, and although I should've felt nervous considering I was speaking to "Wednesday" herself, Jenna's presence was more and more disarming by the minute. Jenna eyes me intently and nods her head with a small smile. The eye contact was making my heart do the thing again.

"That's exactly how I feel about her. I'll have to tell her you said that." There's that teasing tone again that I've already grown so fond of. Just as I'm about to respond, we're pulling up to the set gate and I hear the driver checking us in. Already? Damn.

"Where do you have to be right now?" Jenna asks.

"Hair and makeup. They have their work cut out for them." I grab my wet, stringy hair and chuckle in amusement.

"Nonsense." She smiles a smile I haven't seen before, and something about it makes me blush so hard that I have to avert my gaze toward the front windshield. "We'll drop you off there. I won't have you walking in the rain again." Her chivalry was making my stomach spell the alphabet and I had to get out of this car ASAP or I might actually be sick. I give her a shy "Thank you" and we ride in surprisingly comfortable silence for another 2 minutes to the back of the filming lot where the hair and makeup trailers were.

"Thank you again. You really didn't have to do that." I tell Jenna as I hop out of the car. It's not raining as hard now, thankfully, but it was still drizzling and I wanted nothing more than to be dry.

"I did, though. I'll see you around, Y/n." She gave a small wave and a close-lipped smile. I waved back before closing the door, watching the SUV drive slowly towards the cast's private trailer area. It wasn't until after I rushed into the glam trailer that I realized how fast my heart was beating at the sound of her saying my name.

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