Chapter 8: Enid 2.0

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Your POV

Today was much warmer than the other day, and thankfully much dryer. The sun was actually making an appearance, which was very much welcomed on my walk to work. I had a later call time today, 11 am, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't counting down the minutes to when I might see Jenna again. After game night, I actually felt like a friend to the girls and it made me carry myself differently, like a whole world of possibilities just opened up for me. Granted, there was a lot of alcohol involved so I was a little nervous that they might act differently when we're sober. However, Jenna had texted me yesterday to thank me and told me I was welcome to game night any time, so I was trying not to let any negative thoughts overpower the positive reality of my situation. One thing that hasn't left my mind since that night is the alluding signals that Jenna may or may not have been giving off. I didn't know how to interpret some of her actions, or if I should be trying to interpret them at all. The typical gay struggle.

Quickly shaking the thought and entering work mode, I checked in to set and made my way to the hair and makeup trailers like usual, removing my headphones as I'm greeted by Troy.

"Good morning sunshine. Are you feeling better today?" I had told him I was slightly hungover yesterday, which was the truth, but I lied and said I finished a whole bottle of wine to myself - which was also kinda the truth. I just wasn't ready to share about my budding friendships with the main cast yet; it was all still new and I didn't want to mess anything up.

"Tons, thank you for asking. I'm actually excited to be back here today." I give him a smile as we take our seats next to each other to get our makeup done.

"Pfft, I finally get a day off tomorrow so I'm ready to get the fuck out of here." He retorts and the glam team starts to work their magic on both of us after a polite "Good morning" exchange.

"I feel that." We settle into a comfortable silence for a while as we get glammed up. I suddenly get a text from Jenna and my stomach does a backflip at the sight of her name on my screen. This was definitely going to take some getting used to. 

Hi! Are you on set today?

Such a simple question, yet it made my heart skip a beat.

Yes ma'am. I'm almost done with glam and I'm due on set in an hour. What's up?

I typed and deleted my response about 3 times before deciding to just keep it straightforward.

I need help running some lines if you have the time whenever you're done. Literally everyone else is filming right now.

I won't keep you long.

My eyes must have bugged out of my head because the makeup artist had to tell me to hold still. Run lines with Jenna? Are you kidding? It would be a fucking honor. She could keep me for as long as she wants.

Absolutely! Where should I meet you?

I've never even been on the main cast's side of the trailer lot and my eagerness was picking up with every passing second.

Cara's Cafe truck. It's near my trailer. Coffee on me?

Now she's getting me coffee? Fuck, my day just started and it already couldn't get any better. I send her a confirmation text and my leg starts bouncing the more restless I grew.

"Are you good?" Troy asks me but I don't have the time to respond since the makeup artist tells me I'm done and I dart out of the trailer in the blink of an eye. With some assistance from the crew, I eventually spot Cara's Cafe and shoot Jenna a text that I'm approaching. Their side doesn't look much different from ours, just bigger trailers and more food options, but it was still exciting to be here. Just as I approach a small table located next to the cafe truck, Jenna comes out of the trailer that's about 20 feet away, dressed in her Wednesday wardrobe, and waves in my direction with a smile. I wave back and I physically can't help but match her smile.

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