∞ Chapter 16 ∞

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Hello My Glittersssssss 💜

First of all Pardon me for not updating the story since a quite long time

I got so many messages from you all to update it , and I am really sorry for not updating it since days as because I was busy in my family function , yeahh so there was a function in my family which took place so I wasn't able to update it hope you all will understand , I returned back home yesterday and since then I am not feeling well too still I thought to write and post because now it's not just a story

It's my duty now to write and make you all satisfied !!

Love you all

Happy Reading ❤️

Ayesha's POV

Realisation hit me hard when I remembered he is that same boy with whom I met on the college fest day , the same boy upon whom by my mistake juice felled on

He even told his name

What was..it


Y..yes Adwik


Oh no God

His condition is not at all good

What disgusted me were the people who were just randomly standing making crowd and talking among themselves and drawing their decision upon how he might have gotten into this accident

There's is No Humanity Ayesha !!

I really felt ashamed and tears blurred my view , no.......no Ayesha don't think about anyone , first you need to save him

His family might be waiting for him

You need to save him

I patted his cheeks roughly trying my best to keep him awake

"A..Adwik..... Adwik come on wake up , nothing will happen to you , I am here , please don't close your eyes please"

I kept continuously speaking , tying his head and pressing his wounds with the handkerchief to stop the blood flow but it didn't seems to stop because his injuries were way to bigger than anyone could sense right now

I could sense he is loosing his consciousness

No No No

"Adwik wake up you can't give up like this , your mom must be waiting for you.......Adwik for her sake , please open your eyes Adwik"

I clearly shouted but at an instant I felt my body just froze first due to the sight in front of me and secondly when I saw his breathing became all low and he completely lost his consciousness

We need to hurry up

"Did anyone called the ambulance" , I shouted again

"Yes , it's on his way" , one of them replied

I smiled at him bowing my head down

"Adwik please wake up Adwi..

I was speaking when we heard the siren of the ambulance

The medical team quickly came running towards us and without wasting a second they took him inside , I too ran with them and sat inside the ambulance praying all the way to God for his health

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