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Today was Robin Arellano's first day of middle school, and he was absolutely dreading it, mostly because he didn't know anyone there and he had joined mid year.

"You'll have Fun,I promise" His uncle said as he helped Robin with his signature Bandanna, "No it won't, I don't know anybody there" He replied.

"Yeah but your good at making friends right?" Robin sighed "I guess so".

Once Robin had arrived at denver middle school (this is a made up name), he walked through the doors and was greeted by the principal, and a girl that was about Robin's age, eleven.

"Hi! I'm Y/N and I'm suppose to give you a tour around our school!" She excitedly said, Robin simply nodded in reply, and the girl started the tour.

An hour later they were back at the library, "And this is it" Y/N said, "Welcome to Denver middle school!" She went to hug Robin but he moved away and gave her a weird look, "not a hugger,got it!"

Over the next few months Y/N had gained a little thing for Robin..but she would never tell him that of course, They were both now twelve and spoke a lot, well in other words Y/N spoke but Robin listened.

Just like his uncle said, he would make lots of friends, and he did. Robin had actually became a popular kid, and he was amazing at fighting also.

On Friday a girl named Donna had asked Robin to go the drive in with her, he of course said yes, but since he was still kinda new to town and he didn't go out much, he didn't know where the drive in was, so he asked Y/N to show him.

"We're here" Y/N spoke, Robin looked around "Good luck and safe travels" She once again tried to give the stubborn boy a hug but he took a step back "still not a it!".

They were both now thirteen and Y/N was in Robins bedroom sitting on his bed, she was talking to him about how she liked the local paper boy Billy showalter but he had already gotten a girlfriend, Robin wasn't listening though, he was to busy looking through his stash of bandanna's.

He only looked up when Y/N stood up and walked over to him. "Your one of my only friends,and your always here for me..thank you" she tried to give him another hug but yet again Robin took a step back.

The girl didn't even look effected about it anymore "You're right,...not hugging is kind of our thing" She spoke and Robin nodded.

Robin had finally seen light, he had been kidnapped and thrown in a basement along with five other boys, Y/N knew them all, they were very good friends of hers, even Vance surprisingly.

Y/N was sitting on the curb with her friends sister Gwen, once she spotted Robin she jumped up and sprinted over to him, she practically threw herself into his arms.

Robin looked at her, and Y/N was about to pull away and apologise but instead Robin had brought her into a hug, Y/N was shocked to say the least but she quickly melted into the hug.

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