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y/ns POV:

I waited in my room silently, I sat by the window, for a few minutes.

I then heard little pebbles hitting my window. I smiled and opened the window. I looked down and saw my boyfriend, Robin.

"wait there" I said as I closed the window and went downstairs . I slowly opened my front door hoping that it wouldn't creak.

luckily it didn't. I let robin in and we snuck up to my room. we got in my bed and got under the blankets. "I'm so happy you're here" I smiled.

"me too" Robin said back. I felt his hands and they were freezing. "your hand are cold" I said tiredly.

he held my hands and responded "your hands are warm". I chuckled. "did anyone notice you?" I asked.

"nah, I made sure my mom and uncle were asleep before climbing out the window" he said. normally i'd be worried that he climbed out the window but his room was on the first floor.

"I also stuffed my bed with pillows just incase anyone came to check". I nodded in approval.

after a few hours of settling in and watching a movie.
I layed my head on Robins shoulder "tired?" he asked quietly and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and held his hand. we were both lying in my bed in a comfortable silence. every few moments he's graze his thumb over the back of my hand, Robin then lied his head ontop of mine and we fell asleep. comforted by eachothers presence.

a few hours passed and I woke up. my head was lying on robins chest and his hand was wrapped around my back. I yawned and looked at the time "09:52" it read out.

I gently shook my boyfriend awake. his bandana was on the desk next to my bed. I ran my hand through his hair. I shook him again and he woke up.

"what time do you need to get home before anyone notices you're gone?" I asked.
he yawned "uhh. I told them I was going to finney house before they'd be awake so..yeah" he replied and lied his head back down.

I layed down next to him and started drifting off back to sleep again.

Robin Arellano imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now