The First Order

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A little girl jumps into the library and looks for fantasy books. Seeing all the books, her face says out loud, "I've read them all," and suddenly she sees a book kept on top of the shelf. Looking at the cover, she wonders if she has seen it, but no. The cover seems to be new to her. She tries to get it but can't reach it, and suddenly a young lady comes from the back and takes the book. The girl turns around and looks at her smilingly but can't see her face properly as the sun peeking in from the window of the library seems to be blocking her eyes partially.

Girl, "Eunni, thank you!" (eunni is Korean for an elder sister)

The young lady reads the name of the book, "The Red Violet" The young lady smiles and looks at the little girl.

little girl, "Eunni, you're pretty!"

eunni, "You can see me?"
little girl, "No, but your smile is too pretty to say that you're ugly!"
Eunni smiles, "Thank you!"
little girl bows, "Hello! I'm Ga-eul, Kang Ga-eul!"
eunni, "cute! I'm... well, just call me Eunni!"
The little girl takes the book from her but asks the Eunni to read it for her. Eunni smiles and says sure, and they sit in the kids' room. Eunni sits on the chair kept in the middle of the room, and Ga-eul sits on the floor, and more kids join her. Eunni starts reading the book out loud:
The light is brighter than the sun. The power of divinity is greater than of love, and the person above this earth, the water, the air, and the wind blowing in it, is on the clouds which are whiter than the daisies and clearer than water. The person on these white, fluffy, cotton candy-shaped clouds seems as divine as God, or is he one? He is half divine and half human-like. His beautiful white robe touched the clouds along with his sighing breath. His facial expressions says that he's stressed, and a cry from a beautiful young maiden in a lilac robe with such a rich shade that unexpectedly may be nowhere to be found, she also has a violet crystal embedded in the middle of her neck, disrupts him for a second or so. Her long brown hair is beautifully plaited on one side with some precious jewels, whose beauty is much greater than the diamonds on earth. Upon her cry of "father!" the half-divine god turns to her; it seems like a father-daughter duo has come up. Half-god smiles for a moment upon seeing  his daughter but turns into a sighing machine again in that second. Chin-Mae, half-god, seems to sigh on purpose in front of Chin-Sun, his daughter, feeling as if her father is asking his precious daughter for something without her will.

Chin-Mae, "Why do I have to ask for your will ?"

Chin-Sun, "Father, do we have to be talking about this again?"

Chin-Mae, "Well, I never talked about it. You started it!"

Chin-Sun, "Father, why do I have to go to Earth? Please stop overlooking my question and honestly answer it. If you notice, I never actually disobeyed your order! All I asked was, why?"

Chin-Mae, "Well, if the reason is so important, then I shall do so. I didn't have a reason to tell nor one to hide. I need you to take my place—well, not actually mine, but greater than mine. As you know, I'm the half-divine, but you are the complete divine."

Chin-Sun, "Father, if that's the case, then what's the dilemma? Can't I just take over and be the goddess of love?"

Chin-Mae, "A young maiden can't do that! You need to find the one that matches your divinity and your heart. You need to find your love, and then shall the taking over part of yours take place!"

Chin-Sun: "But father, can you tell me how this all will happen?"

Chin-Mae, "Your 400 years of learning are over, leaving behind your last 100 years for you to take over, or else, you can't and will disappear from existence itself. This is another way for you to implement your teachings and learnings on Earth and make your name."

A moment of silence...
Chin Sun, "Why did you stop, father? Give the other details. "

Chin Mae, "For now, all I can say is that you need to leave your powers and get into the line of incarnation as a normal human being; you can't take too long, and the rest can't be told to you for I who can't go against the law of destiny and the act of nature. You shall leave now!"

Chin Sun, "So will I forget you and me?"

Chin-Mae, "No, you won't! proceed now! We will keep an eye on you during your incarnation! No need to worry, and we shall guide you further!"

Chin Sun disappears within a blink of an eye and gets in the line of incarnation, leaving her powers as well. 

Fifty years have passed, but Chin Sun hasn't incarnated. His disciples come to him one by one, and they throw him into their questions.

Disciple, "Lord, why has our lady not come to Earth yet? We waited for fifty years, but you haven't given us your message. Is there a problem?"

Chin-Mae sighs, "Well, it seems that after leaving her powers, she needs to be a human in line for going on Earth, and as a human, it takes time."

Another disciple said, "Well, lord, what about her memory? Will she lose it?"

Chin-Mae, "Well, after this long, she is bound to lose them! Forgive me, my people, but you can't seem to help us now as she now needs divine powers, so I will have my few messengers with such powers to help her out."

disciple, "Lord, forgive us for we who can't help you out! We shall head back, but for any help, please give us orders!"

The disciples leave and the messengers arrive, and suddenly, feeling like Chin Mae is on top of the world, he smiles but shows signs of doubt or confusion.

messenger, "lord, Is there a problem my lord? Your smile gives us a hint of your worry. Is there any?"

Chin-Mae, "My daughter has arrived on Earth! she's born!"

messenger, "That's such gracious news!"

Chin-Mae, "But this incarnation made her forget her memories! She doesn't even have her powers, and now she won't even remember her reason for going! It's not such a gracious news! .The only gracious thing is that she is born, but I don't even know her place of birth that you can go to, to help her succeed in her task!"

messenger, "Lord, on your orders, I can give you a helping hand for our miss! On your orders, me and these messengers present here will proceed to Earth now. Look for her from this very moment, and on identifying her, give her, her memories and help in the completion of her tasks!"

Chin -Mae, "That's not the only reason of my worry."

messenger kim,"lord, your disturbed soul affects us all emotionally. Can you not share you worry with us?"

chin mae gives them an ascetic look and continues, "Don't wait any further, I'm not allowed to go against the law of nature. You will follow every order I give you and the first order is to proceed to earth now!" 

All the messengers first look at each other then bow and leave for Earth. A total of six messengers look for Chin-Sun in the six different cardinal directions in different disguises. 

Where as Chin-Sun is born in a dark hospital, surrounded by rain. It's strange, as the new-born baby is laughing beautifully while coming into this world. No one seems to be in the hospital; it's just a man with the baby in one hand, with his dead wife's cold hand in the other. The wife's body is on the hospital bed, and the man has thick tears in his eyes.


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