Chapter 7: the junk yard

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Y/n's POV:

I slowly stirred awake and looked at the sky. The sky looked like a dark atmosphere with dark clouds as if it was barely turning dawn. I slowly sat up and looked around in wonder. "What was I doing?" *I ask myself before looking down at the peach I took a bite out of and I saw a worm crawl out of it. "Ew...ugh!" I say before throwing the peach and getting up. I placed my hand on a pile of junk to help myself up.

When suddenly the pile of junk moved. "OW..GET OFF MY BACK!" Yelled a voice as I looked at it and moved my hand. The pile of junk turns and I see it was some an old lady goblin. She was small and had a ton of junk on her back like a backpack, just like a hoarder would if they could take their junk with them. "Why don't you look where you're going young woman?" the junk lady said to me. "I was looking" *I say calmly as I began to walk forward a bit, she followed behind me. "And where were you going?" she asked me, I look at the ground and stopped in my tracks as I tried to remember. I had no clue or memory on where I was going or even why I was here.

"I don't remember" *I say softly and began to slowly walk forward again. "Well how do you look where you're going if you don't remember where you're going?" She asks me and I look at her and shrug. She seemed like she had an idea because of how the way her eyes lit up. She walked in front of me and out of curiousness I followed her. She walked in front of a little tent and motioned for me to go inside. I open the tent and saw my bedroom. I walk inside and looked around it. My bookshelf filled with my books. My vanity that had all my lipstick and pictures with Sarah, my jewelry box that always had my initial on it. I spin around in my room with a smile before throwing myself on my bed and I let out a tired sigh as I burned my face into the sheets of my bed. After a few seconds, I sit up and look around my room again.

"It was a strange dream....and it felt so real. I wonder if Sarah is sleeping in her room" I said to myself before getting up and walking towards my bedroom door. I opened it and instead of seeing the hallway of the house. I see the same junk lady from earlier. "Better to stay in here, my dear. There is nothing out there that you'd want!" She said to me before walking inside my room. I closed the door and put my back on it while I looked at her. "It wasn't a dream.." *I say softly to myself before walking to my vanity and sitting down on it. She began snooping through my room and anything that interested in her she put on my back instead of stealing them. "Oh...your lipstick, go on put it on and make yourself up!" She said as she handed me my favorite natural shade of red lipstick.

I looked at my vanity and put on my lipstick before looking at my red book. I opened it to a page and read it. Her talking was muffled to me because of how the book had my attention. "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way to the castle. Beyond the goblin city.... To take back the child that you have stolen." I say to myself as realization hit and Al of my memories of the purpose I was here for. "Don't talk such nonsense...everything you want is all here" she told me as I looked at everything in front of my room. "'s all junk" i say to her in the mirror. "What about this?...this isn't junk, huh?" She said to me as she handed me a music box of a doll in the white Pearl dress and curly hair just like how I wore in the ballroom. It was a music box Sarah had passed on to me since she had an extra one.

It was a treasure to me since Sarah is like an actual sister to me. But this music box meant nothing to me if I knew Sarah was in danger of lost somewhere. I took it gently from her hands and glanced at it for a bit. "Yes it is!" I exclaimed before throwing it on my vanity. "I have to save Toby!" I exclaimed before getting up and throwing the things she placed on my back. I stand up and looked up at the walls. They all began to tear apart and pans and junk began to fall in. I look through the hole that was formed with tin the junk and saw Sarah exclaiming my name with a look of relief as she began to help me out of the hole.

"Where are we?" I asked while looking around. "Hoggle helped me get here to find you. He saw you falling out of the sky and said you'd end up somewhere here. But look, we are at the gates of the goblin city!" Sarah exclaimed excitedly. "Let's go quickly, we don't have much time!" I say as we jogged to the doors of the goblin city. Sarah and I struggled to pull the metal door open. We soon find it was too heavy to open and gave up before I started to look around for another way in. "We can try to climb the wall" I say before going up to the wall and climbing it with a bit of a boost from Sarah. As soon as I was up on the wall. I pulled up Sarah with all of the strength I could muster. We both push ourselves off the wall gently and landed on our feet quietly.

I looked around in front of our path and in the distance I could see goblin guards roaming around. I look at Sarah and put a finger on my lips before quietly shushing her, motioning her to be quiet as possible. Sarah nodded her head and I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her quickly along with me, sneaking around goblins and hiding behind houses. We eventually were at the last house, close to Jareth's castle. When suddenly we hear a goblin guards footsteps close by. Sarah looks at me with a panicked expression. "Calm down" i mouthed and she tried to calm down. I quickly and quietly jogged to the castle's walls and started to climb while helping Sarah along with me. We climbed into one of the window's of his castle and walked down the stairs only to find an empty throne room. I looked at the clock and saw we only have eight minutes left.

"Oh no!" Sarah said before looking up at the stairs we came from. "He could be somewhere up there. It's the only way he could've gone" she said and I nodded in agreement before we went up the stairs again.

                        -END OF CHAPTER-

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