Want to rewrite this, give me your opinions

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Ok so hi it's been a few years lol. I am alive... Did I low-key forget Wattpad existed? ...Maybe... Am I back? em um potentially. Have I thought about Eleanora and where I want to go with this story? before like 2 days ago, no. My update is that I'm currently in uni... it's stressful af. Do I have enough free time to give Eleanora justice? Probably not. But I want to try anyway.

So this is where I'm at:

I've gone through and reread what I wrote... and got pissed at myself basically lol. Eleanora is a 1000 year old bloodthirsty vampire with no issue with killing people. As Klaus' twin she is one of the most powerful beings in the TVD universe, and I've written her like she is some kind of helpless little girl with a manipulative past...? I can't really remember what I was originally going for. But I do think I missed the mark there. Eleanora is a Mikaelson. She should be bloodthirsty, manipulative and possibly slightly unhinged. And I think I can do a much better job of that.

Problem number 2: This whole imprinting debacle. Am I going to get rid of it? Absolutely not. But I don't think Seth and Eleanora would be a compatible romantic couple. Instead of using it to create romance, I want to use it as a plot device to push the ideas behind what imprinting is and the types of relationships it can create. Because who said all imprints had to fall in love? Why can't they love each other in non-romantic ways? Is that not how Stephenie Meyer sold Jacob imprinting on Renesme to start with? He's there to protect her and be what she needs when she needs it. As much as people joke about it, the kid isn't IN love with a baby, even if they eventually end up falling for each other later on.

Should she have a redemption arc? Maybe, I don't know, probably wouldn't be that great of a story without one. Is the redemption going to revolve around the baby (elephant in the room I know, yep there is a baby)? The Feminist in me says F no. She's more than just a mother. Will it play a part in her redemption at all...? I'm undecided on that one. It's absolutely going to play a part in why she needs a redemption arc tho (Ooooo spoilers!!!). Any redemption arc she has will probably involve the whole imprinting thing, I feel like that's the most logical choice.

The big reason I want to completely start over with this... you know the nice juicy part... instead of just editing what I have is that should they know she is a Mikaelson? Crazy I know. But like... she's this all powerful original... her family has so many enemies (her own step-father included)... so should the Cullens and the wolves know exactly who she is from the beginning? When she's so defenceless (why tf did I make her so helpless to start with?!!!)? I think that layer of secrecy and manipulation could be super interesting to write.

So what exactly am I proposing to do?

a) completely scrap whatever storyline I had going

b) keep the set up of her being cursed and in a cave but completely redo it

c) write a new storyline based basically on lies and manipulation which will probably cause the characters to question everything they feel about the imprint bond

d) probably lead Seth down a dark path (which will hurt to do, he's my fav character... I love the kid) and then maybe have like family pull him back...?

What I want to know:

- What do you all think of this?

- What kind of elements would you want to see included? What do you want me to keep? What do you absolutely think I should cut from the original story? Any juicy ideas or plot lines you'd love to see included?

- Would these new ideas I've proposed be something you're interested in reading?

I want to know your honest feedback. Because honestly if you're reading this you must've liked my story and Eleanora. I'm sure some of you must have picked up on the fact I had no idea where it was going as I was writing it... although I think that's kinda common with the genre of fanfiction in general. But let's see if we can make Eleanora into her full potential... or is that even her real name? ;)

All constructive feedback is welcome :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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