Chapter Five

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Emily's cosy small home was full of the sounds of laughter. It had always lightened her life to have the pack around, their presence was uplifting. Emily loved the way they all looked out for each other and how dedicated they're to their job as protectors.

She was proud of them for getting over their differences when Jacob imprinted on Renesmee all those years ago. This is what made them excepting when it came to Seth's new imprint. As his cousin, Emily knew how upset he would if they had not. But so far all that had happened was that Seth had joined Jacob on the end of some jokes about vamp lovers. Not that either cared.

"What does she look like Seth", asked Kim from her perch on Jared's lap.

"Don't ask him! He was too lovestruck to tell you anything other than beautiful", Jared teased.

"And you can't say anything different about Kim", exclaimed Seth.

"I never said that I found Kim less than the most beautiful woman on the planet", Jared rebutted before kissing his imprint full on the lips.

The younger pack members all groaned causing the rest to laugh. Yes, Emily thought this is where her home is. Not on the reservation or in her cottage but with these people, and although they were two different packs with two different alphas they still all looked out for and worked together like when they were just one pack. This was home.


The next day found Seth, Leah and Jacob walking up the drive of the Cullen's home. As the pack of the area, Jacob had decided that it should be his job (as the alpha) to explain how the Quileute tribe shapeshifters work.

"Do you think she liked staying here", Seth asked.

"Esme is very hospitable", replied Leah shortly. Seth had been badgering her with questions about his imprint since the morning. Leah loves her brother she really does but his constant questioning was driving her off the edge.

"Ask her when we see her", said Jacob also tiring with of Seth's voice.

"Good idea", he replied completely serious. Leah shared a look with Jacob from behind Seth. Her brother was smitten and he only knew her name Leah thought.

Bella met the group halfway up the driveway.

"How was she last night", questioned, Jacob.

"Turns out her kind, traditionals Carlisle calls them can sleep. 13 hours out like a light. She hasn't said much but we have no idea what she is saying half the time", responded Bella.

"How is she getting on with you all", asked Seth.

"Fine apart from how she has suddenly decided not to like Edward after finding out he could read her mind. She also claims he acts similar to a lord she knew who she definitely doesn't like", answered Bella.

"What did she say", Leah asked curiously.

"Not sure, but sounds like he gave her younger sister some unwanted attention. The way she said it sounded like her brothers did like much either", replied Bella.

"What do you mean", Jacob asked.

"It was implied that one of them killed him but other than that everything's been great.

The group shared a look worried look. Bella seemed upset about Ella not liking Edward but none of them knew how to broach the subject with her. Putting it behind them the alpha and two siblings continued their journey up the driveway.

The living room was warms and cosy, a welcome relief from the cold and rainy weather of January in Forks. A fire was roaring in the fireplace. Sitting on the couch facing the fire was Ella. The light of the fire compliments the angles of her face and made her hair appear a fiery red colour. Seth thought she had never looked more beautiful.

"You have come to see me", she asked amused.

"Mayhap you'll find my company more enjoyable than your cold one friends. I believe they find my presence somewhat unsettling".

"We have come here to um explain who we are".

"And find out more about me and my kind", Ella said interrupting Jacob.

"Don't worry it is a human to be curious, and unlike some others, I'd be one of the first to admit that we are all human no matter how supernatural one is. It is where we all came from. I hope I am as much a Pandora's box to you all as information about your kind would be to me. I have never met shapeshifters before", Ella finished with a smile.

Cautiously the three sat together on the couch opposite her. Seth felt nervous. He was going to have a proper conversation with his imprint and could barely breathe. He knew that some of the other shifters had felt the same when meeting their imprints (Jared and Paul) but nothing could have prepared him for it himself. All he could think of was her.

"I am Jacob the alpha of one of the La push shapeshifter packs. This is my beta Leah and her younger brother Seth".

"A pleasure to make your acquaintances Jacob, Leah and Seth", replied Ella.

"We have come as you have guessed to find out about you and share who we are", said Jacob awkwardly.

"Tell me how your people came to be", Ella asked.

(I won't retell the story you all know how it goes). "Every generation has a pack phase and form whenever there are vampires in the area for a while. There are 17 of us more than ever before. We shift by on our own will and can keep up with any vampire. We phase to protect our lands and people. The two cold ones Edward and Carlisle were only allowed on our land to retrieve you from the cave", recited Leah, she had grown tired of how slow Jacob was taking things. It was better to rip the band-aid off, tell Ella about imprinting and save her brother from some trouble down the line.

"Your origin is far more impressive and moral than mine. To serve and protect one's people and family must give you great honour and purpose. A sense of direction that my people need greatly", said Ella.

"What about you. Where did you come from, who are you", asked Jacob.

"Now that is a story much longer than yours", answered Ella...

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