Nico (again)

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Jason stared at me. I sighed. Again.
"Dare," I spat before he could say anything.
He grinned at Percy, who had visually relaxed. Percy pouted. I muttered about their 'bromance' again.
"You have to wear pink for a week, and paint your cabin any colour Will chooses."
I scowled. Everybody knew Will would choose a pastel colour of some sort.
"This time, can someone else get him?" I said. "Piper needs to take me to the Aphrodite cabin."
Piper looked on the verge of tears. She was trying not to laugh.
I scowled deeper, if possible.

Pink. I HATE it. Now, it was in my hair, on my shirt... I decided to kill Jason. Soon.
Will had gotten paint. It was yellow. YELLOW. I should have chosen truth. I hated Percy and Jason's 'bromance'.

-much painting later-

My cabin was ruined. Even the 'vampire' decoration was better then this. I decided never to play truth or dare again. I wondered how the others were doing with their dares...

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