Confronting the Mastermind

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Heya! I'm back! So, this Chapter might be very long. I kinda overdid it heheh. But anyway, the Chapter is here and happy reading :)

"Are you sure this is the throne room?"

"Yes, Mizael. I'm sure of it."

Kaito and I currently standing before the large double doors that maybe would leading us to Akabaka. A short while ago after the mess on that bug lover's lab, I told Kaito the story of him on Zexal and 'our' rivality as the Master of Galaxy-Eyes. As expected, Kaito was shocked at this revelation. However, Kaito still don't remember his Zexal memories. I wonder why...

"We block his past memories." Photon said with a sad tone. "It's hurt. Really hurt. My part of me want him to remember me. But that will caused a trouble for you, Master..."

"If Kaito remember his past memories, he'll immediately got suspicious on you, Master." Tachyon added. "You may got Master Mizael's body, but your personality and behaviour is different which Kaito will notice. So it's better for him to not remember anything."

"I see..." Well, it's true that he better not remember anything. He can expose my true identity if he remember. But I kinda feel sorry for Photon.

"It's okay, Master. This is the least we can do to repay your kindness." Photon said.

"...Mizael! Mizael!" Kaito called me with a mix of confuse and worry tone. "You were spaced out for a bit. Is something bothering you?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah..." I said while rubbing my back head. "I just's Reiji and Yuya's group doing rightnow. They are should be arrived here earlier than us. Is something happened to them?"

"They will be fine. Yuya is strong. He managed to give us some fight after all. Same goes for your leader." Kaito reassured me. "Right now, we should focus on taking down that bastard and save your girlfriend."

"Oi, our relationship is not official yet." I said with slight blush. "But yes. We should focus on that matter to stop all of this madness. No matter how much army he has, we will defeat Akabaka."

"Don't take the fun all by yourselves, you two. Save some the fun for us. Don't be greedy."

Upon hearing these words, we turned around, coming face to face with Yuya and Edo along with Barret, Ryo and Fubuki.

"Finally you have arrived, Yuya, Edo. I assume you two managed to convince them to abandoned Academia?" I greeted them as I pointed my fingers at Barret, Ryo and Fubuki, who the last two looked down in shame.

"It's a long story." Edo replied. "In short, Ryo and Fubuki is a victim of Doktor's Parasite Fusioner. All of their actions is controlled by that madman even though they can clearly see everything. Yuya and I managed to destroy the parasite and freed them from Academia's grasp."

"I see..." I muttered. "So my thought about them is brainwashed is right. Thank god."

"Kuroba Mizael, it's fine if you don't want to forgive me or Fubuki. You had the rights to do that. But I still had to say this to you. I'm sorry for what I've done to you and Serena in Xyz Dimension." Ryo bowed down in shame.

"Same goes for me. I'm deeply sorry for hurting you and your girlfriend, Kuroba Mizael." Fubuki added, also bowed down.

My respond is silent. I walked to them as everyone present prepared to stop me from doing unnessersary things. They didn't have to do that, because all I do is patted their shoulders and give them a soft smile.

"It's not your fault. You two were being controlled, so you two don't have to apologise. Stop blaming yourself for it, okay? Beside, we don't have to worry about that anymore. I have taken care of him."

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